Chapter 8: Time for a date (sort of..)

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I say a quick goodbye to Cas then I make my way back to the school to find Lisa. I couldn't put up with her being angry with me, and for what?

When I make my way around I see her with our friends smoking and probably ranting about how much of a dick I'm being, turning all of my friends against me in the process. I walk over to them and as they see me all the wannabe alphas puffed out their chest and the others gave me their strongest bitchface. Ha, I should get Sam over here to put them in there place.

"Hey, Lisa could we talk?" I asked as I approached. The "alphas" I was talking about earlier all took a step towards me trying to appear threatening, most likely doing so just to impress Lisa. She gave them a look causing them to step back then nodded, which I guess means 'Go away' since everyone starting heading towards the front of the school.

"Thank God." I sighed as they got out of seeing distance. I could finally talk to Lisa without them silently judging me. They were my friends but sometimes they acted so stuck up that I want to put them on Lucifer's hit-list. "Lisa." I told her, "Please, explain why you don't want me to hang out with Cas. Then maybe I'll understand why you're so angry."

Lisa took a deep breath like this was frustrating for her instead of me.

"Okay, fine. I'll tell you. Number one- Gabe, Castiel's brother, set me on fire."

"-which isn't his fault." I interrupted, which most likely wasn't that smart of me to do. Her face grew angrier but she continued explaining like I never spoke.

"Number two. I've only seen him talked to you three times but it is clear that he is gay, specifically for you."

"What?" I asked dumbfounded "Lisa that is-"

"Number three." She frowned at me."No offense Dean but that kid is just weird, his brothers are weird, his parents are probably weirdos. I don't get good vibes from him at all and so don't any of our friends. If you become friends with him I will have to talk to him one way or another, and I don't want to do that. So I think it will be better for all of us if you just stayed away from him."

I felt my blood boiling while listening to her. She had no right to keep me from talking to him for those reasons, I would barely count them as reasons at all!

"Well I'm sorry Lisa, but I want to become his friend. Whether you want me to or not and it's stupid for me to stop talking to him for your reasons." Maybe I could have put that in a less stuck up way, but at least I got the point straight through. She can't pick and choose who I hang out with.

Lisa scoffed. "You're only talking to him because you feel sorry for him! Maybe if you see past your guilt you'll see how much of a freak he is." She dramatically turns away and walks back to her friends, I should probably be on my way in case someone thinks it's a good idea to pick a fight with me, I don't feel like kicking someone's ass today. I should be driving Sam home now also.

I walked over to the parking lot and I can't find Sam or Baby anywhere. They were just here a while ago! Where could have Sam have gone without Baby? And how can Baby go anywhere? I have the keys right in my pocket.
I dig my hand into my right jean pocket. I feel my wallet, some loose change, receipts, but no keys. I check my other pocket- phone, that's it, and I check my butt pockets- I feel nothing but a nice ass. I go into my leather jacket pockets- nothing. What the frick frack fuck?

At that moment I hear a ding ding coming from my phone. I pulled it out and as I looked at the notification I felt my jaw tighten and my hands' clench- damn It Lucier, of fucking course.

A Chance I Have to Make Happen (Sequel)(Destiel/Sabriel/Michifer)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu