{Chapter 1}

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[This isn't my idea. Thank you ArwenSenpai for giving me the idea!]

•Your POV•
You were sitting on the ground in a straight jacket. Your (H/C) hair fell into your face. 20 more years of this? I'll never make it! You took a breath in. The guards outside stiffened and aimed at you. "Chill. Can't a woman breathe? Sheesh." You said. I've made it through 7 years... 20 shouldn't be bad... You were staring at the ground. Thinking. "Oi, Boss!" A quiet, but urgent whisper sounded outside the door.


Your head turned in direction of the sound. "She's plannin' again!" A different voice said. "I really, can't do a thing. I'm strapped up in a straight jacket." You said. "See boss?! The smoothness of her voice is a giveaway!!" The 1st guard said. You couldn't help but laugh. It scared the guards and they aimed again. You couldn't stop laughing.


"Don't shoot." A voice said, 'Oooh~ Is the boss sparing me?' The guards hesitated, but lowered their weapons. "It's lunch, can I go eat now?" You asked. The guards handcuffed you and walked you to the lunch room. A boy walked past you.
'He doesn't look like he's from here...'
The raven-haired boy kept walking. 'No shoes? Your gonna be in so much trouble.' You giggled and one guard placed a weapon to your head. "Fine, fine. I'll shut up..." You muttered


The loud intercom boomed. "Didn't even get to eat..." You said. The guards threw you back in your room.
'The one-way glass again?!' You thought. A different voice talked this time. "Hello?" It said.

You  pretended to pick up a phone. Knowing they could see you. "Hello?" You asked.

"You are (Y/N) (L/N), correct?"


"How long have you been in here?"

"Eh, roughly 16 or 17 years."

It was quiet for a second.

"Do you know anything about Kira?" He asked

"Yeah, he/she is a killer, killing from a distance. Rather than up close. Pretty cowardly, if I say so myself." You said while giggling.

"Would you help me investigate the Kira case, (Y/N)?"

"Hmm... can I leave this asylum?"



"Then, sure. Why not?"

Okay sisters. I'll rewrite the book since it's trash.

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