{ Chapter 2}

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•Your POV•

You were in a limo driving far away from the asylum. You looked up at the night sky. It was absolutely breath-taking. The boy told you his name. You didn't know how to pronounce it, since Japanese wasn't your first language. So you called him Ry. He didn't seem to mind. It suddenly stopped and you lurched forward. Ry chuckled.

•L's POV•

'She kept calling me Ry...' I stepped out of the limo and (Y/N) followed. She was standing there not moving. "What are you doing?" I asked her. (Y/N) looked at me. "Didn't you say the police were coming? What if the recognize me?" (Y/N) looked on edge.

"Police... people with guns give me the shivers." She laughed. "(Y/N) you were legally let out, they won't take you back." I said. She hesitated... then followed me into the building. When (Y/N) went into the seating area a knock sounded on the door. (Y/N) jumped. "Can you get that Watari?" I asked. Watari got the door. A few cops came flooding in the room. They all introduced them selves.
"Bang!" I said.
"What the heck was that?" (Y/N) asked.
"If I was Kira, then you would all be dead now." I said.
"It is L..." a cop said. (Y/N) looked confused.

•Your POV•

You were confused. Who's L? "Don't you mean Ry-Ryuz-" You huffed angrily. "Don't you mean Ry?" You said pointing to him. "His name is L." An old officer said. "L is easier than, Ry-Ryuzak-Reyuzam-" L cut you off. "It's ok, (Y/N), you can call me L if it's easier. But for your safety," L said to the police,

"Call me Ryuzaki. Since you'll be leaving, after this." L said. The old officer huffed. "Why does she get to call you 'L'?" He asked. L looked at you, then back at the officer. "She'll be staying here helping with the investigation." L said "Haha, I don't have to go back to that awful asylum!!" You said happily.

"I knew she was (Y/N)!!" A younger officer said. "L- Ryuzaki, where are you going?" The old officer said, "To sit, you should come sit too." L said. "Yeah!" You said. The only space left was next to L. There was a few inches between you. 'Woah, L sits weirdly! Cool...' You thought. While he was explaining the Kira case to the cops, you tried to copy how he sat. L seemed to notice, "Tuck your knees in more." L said, after you did that you sat just like L.
(You guys really like this part so I guess I'll keep it)

•L's POV•
'Was she copying me?' I continued talking, and showed them the files. "Oi, what if (Y/N) is Kira?" Yagami asked. "I wouldn't let Kira, into the investigation of who Kira is." L said. The officers nodded their heads. (Y/N) took a sugar cube off the sugar cube tower on my tea and ate it. "That was good." She smiled.

The cops left and it was just (Y/N) and I. Watari showed her to her room, and I continued searching. I heard something in the kitchen. I hopped off my chair and looked. (Y/N) was getting water. 'Oh' I thought and continued on with the search. "L? What are you doing?" (Y/N) asked. "I could ask you the same thing." I said, taking a bite of my cake, not taking my eyes of the laptop.

(Y/N) huffed. "It's hard for me to sleep... I just can't..." she said softly. "Insomnia." I said. "What? No, it's just difficult." She said defensively. Her cheeks were red. "It's just light insomnia," I said, "It's not as severe as mine." I laughed a little. "I'm going back to bed." She said and walked off. I stopped searching, and just watched T.V. while eating cake.

•Your POV•

You walked back into the living room and saw L watching T.V. "2:36" The clock read 'I've been trying to sleep for 3 hours? Holy crap.' You walked around to see L was eating cake.

"What are you doing up again, (Y/N)?" L asked 'What the hell? He can't see me, I'm behind him!' "I heard you, (Y/N) I know it's you." L said. You hesitantly sat next to L on the couch. "Why aren't you working, L?" You asked him.
"I am human, I don't have to work 24/7."


Silence. We were quietly watching the news. L picked up a strawberry. You opened your mouth to ask him 'What are you doing?' When he put the strawberry in your mouth.
"Your welcome."
We continued watching in silence.

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