{Chapter 3}

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(The next morning)

•Your POV•

"Have you met Light, (Y/N)?" L asked. "Chief Yagami's son?" You asked "Yes, that Light." L said, "No, I haven't."

"Well... don't tell Chief Yagami... but right now he's the number one suspect."

"And I'm supposed to care why...?"
You asked. L inhaled. "We're going over to his house to... investigate." He said, "Since you're stealthy enough, we're going in together."

"Ugh, fine, L." You groaned and walked with L to Light's house.

Knock, Knock.

The door opened to a smiling woman.
"Hello! What can I do for you?" She asked. "Im Ryuzaki, and this is Chiaki." L said. 'My alias is really stupid, I'm obviously not Japanese.' You thought.

"We're Light's friends." L said. The lady looked happy. "Oh, Light! Your friends are here!" She called. While Light was walking down the stairs, his mom invited us inside. "Do you want something to drink?" She asked. "I'm not thirsty, but she is." L said, "Light? Could you get it for her? You are her friend after all." His mom said. We followed Light into the kitchen.
"What was that? I'm not thirsty!" You said to L. "I couldn't be rude, Chiaki." He mumbled cheekily. "'I couldn't be rude, Chiaki.'" You mocked in a high voice.

"He's taking his sweet time..." L said, "Go see what he's doing..." he whispered. You quietly got up and hid behind the island, and peered around. 'What is he doing?' Light was putting something in your drink.

You walked back to L.

"So?" He asked. "He's putting something in it, I couldn't get close enough to see it though."

"Don't drink a lot of it, Chiaki." He warned
"Yeah, like I'm gonna drink a whole glass with possible drugs in it." You said. Light came back in and set it in front of you. You carefully picked it up. Light chuckled, "Afraid of tea, are you?" He asked "Yeah, like this is tea." You mumbled while taking a sip.

"What did you want at... 6:27 at night?" He asked. "We wanted to ask if you want to join the Kira case," L asked. "Oh, sure." Light said

We were walking back to the apartment. "How do you feel, (Y/N)?" L asked. "I feel like crap..." You said. You stopped walking. "(Y/N)? Are you ok?" L asked

You couldn't speak. "(Y/N)?" L's voice grew more worried. You felt yourself fall,

And L catch you.

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