{Chapter 4}

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•L's POV•

"(Y/N)?" I asked, she wouldn't talk,
Then she fell, and I caught her, and walked back to the apartment.
I put her down in her bed and left, but before I closed the door she was twitching, and rolling around like she was having a bad dream.

•Your POV•
Light was walking to his desk.
He looked at the wall, an apple was floating. You tried to speak, but nothing came out. Light pushed his pen up the bottom of the drawer, and pulled out a black notebook with "Death Note" written on it. You were curious. And touched it.

It all went white

Light opened the book, and the TV turned on. Lindel L. Taylor was on air.
"I am L." He said. Light was frantically writing in the notebook. Lindel L. Taylor became limp, and was dragged off the chair.
You felt your hair being pushed off your face.

(Dream End)

"(Y/N)? Are you ok?" L asked. You took a look at your surroundings. 'My room? Weren't we on the road?' "I'm fine, L." You giggled at the end of the sentence. You also noticed L had pulled your hair back in a messy bun.

You gasped.
"I know who Kira is!" You said loudly.
"Shh, the Task Force is here." L said
"I know who Kira is!" You whispered.
"It's Light!"
L was quiet.
"I knew it..." he mumbled.
He turned and grabbed your shoulders causing you to look at him. "L? What the-"

He cut you off by quickly putting his lips on yours.
"If I die in 3 days, take care of the case. And," he added softly, "Take care of Light, for me." He said, then walked of to help the task force.

(2 days later; Get your tissues, ladies)

L was sitting on his chair with the task force behind him. "Let's test out the Death Note for real." He said, getting gasps of shock. "We know it's real, no need to try it!" Matsuda said. "We'll just use a criminal that's due to die in 14 days, if he's not dead by then-" L stopped and started falling out of his chair. You grabbed him and held him tightly. He was trying to hug you back. Your tears were causing his shirt to get wet.

"No... no, no, no! Ry! Don't die, please!" You said. He kissed you on the forehead. "Remember... what... I... said." L whispered. His eyes started to close. "L! Stay with me! Come on!" You yelled. 'I can't keep loosing people close to me!' His eyes closed. "The shinignami will get us next!" Light yelled. Everyone was bracing for death, while you kept hugging L.

But nobody came.

"This is ALL your fault!" You yelled at Light. He looked shocked. You grabbed him and pushed him against a wall. "You killed L! Admit it! YOU'RE Kira!" You screamed. He was scared and shocked at this surge of anger and strength coming from such a small frame.

You felt a burning pain in your leg and arm. Chief Yagami shot you. You fell onto the ground. "Since L is gone, there's no need for you to be free." Chief Yagami said.

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