Extra Ideas

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Hello! When I was writing the book... I had... other thoughts... here is a few.

•L was supposed to confess to you in Chapter 4, and then you would accept happily.

(I thought it was too cliché...)

•In Chapter 3, you were supposed to have Misa~Misa and Light locked up, and you would visit Misa, and keep her sane.

(I didn't like the thought because you are insane, and you want people to feel what you feel.)

•In Chapter 6, Mello, Near, and Matt weren't supposed to come, you would've slept next to L's grave, refusing to eat the strawberries, and just being there until death.

(That's a little too dark for my liking...)

•In Chapter 6, The Task Force would lock you up again, and you would be in the asylum until Near came.

(I didn't like the idea...because it was too... "Predictable")

•You were supposed to die in Chapter 4... but... L did instead.

•When you went to Lights house the drink was supposed to make you blind.

(Then you wouldn't beat up Imagay!)

Hope you enjoyed my short arse story!
(I'm too lazy for a bigger book... sorry...)

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