September 2nd.

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Sitting at our table in that diner felt like magic. It was like time around us had stopped and there was nothing there in that space around us. I hung on to every word Evangeline said.

"When I say love is a half baked lie it really is a half baked lie."
"Okay professor. Tell me how it is." I said shoving more fries in my mouth.
"People think that when you love someone in a romantic sense, its supposed to feel like you got hit by lightning or something. That's how it started. Now love is based off of sexual attraction and your status. On top of that its become even more based on survival of the fittest. If you don't have the basics to set someone else up comfortably them your are automatically deleted from the gene pool."
"Whoa, are you always this cynical?"
"I'm a realist. I find it really hard to be optimistic."
"That's good, I'm full of optimism." I smiled.
"How is that a good thing?"
"Because professor, opposites attract which means we are most deffinetly having a second date."
"Based on what evidence?" She scoffed.
"The fact that I find you very interesting and you find me odd."
"That last part is very true. However, how did you find me interesting?"
I smiled at her and felt my heart fall apart a bit.
"Because you are."

September met January on a rainy day in May.Where stories live. Discover now