Chapter 5

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Tzuyu's POV

"Today, we have the Korean team joining us on our tour around Beijing!"

A few squeals come from around the room and a few conversations wondering if they might be boys.

The door opened and came in seven boys, they all looks like a k-pop star and could almost mistake them for the rising group of BHB (Big-Hit Boys).

They all introduced themselves, they all had the same clothing which was a light blue tracksuit, except the leader, which looked like they were going to the Olympics except that instead of the Olympic symbol, it had a owl instead and a few sponsors. The one called Suga had white hair and black rimmed glasses, next to him was someone called Taehyung who looked like he meant business; he had a poker face and probably had no intention of losing it.

Namjoon, who was the team's leader, had a black outfit and I had the urge to squish his cheeks every time he smiled.

Next to Namjoon was a bundle of joy that was literally emitting so much joy and happiness that you could almost see a yellow and warm atmosphere that was starting to fill the room. He introduced himself as Hoseok but told us we could call him Hobi or J-hope.

The one called Jimin was very muscular as you could see that the tracksuit was very tight around in some areas.

The last one was Jungkook, he looked very reserved and looked very nervous in front of everybody which made me squeal inside.

They were all handsome and no guy in our school could compare to these people, if this is what all Korean people look like then I'm just going to learn Korea and move there.

Sorry, I was busy with revising and tests as well as updating my other book.


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