Chapter 18

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Tzuyu's POV

It's all my fault, I made him that way. If only I had never ran away at that time, if only if I was true with my feelings. But no, being the coward I was, I ran away from everything that made me happy.

"I don't like her! How many times do I have to tell you, she was the one that kept coming near me. I didn't even want to hang out with her in the first place, I don't like her!" He shouted out loud.

Tears flowed down my face and silent wails as I ran somewhere, trying to escape this pit.

I found a corner in a corridor on the first floor, I looked around to see if anyone was coming. When the coast was clear, I curled up into a small ball and just cried. After what seemed to be hours - if not days - I got up and just walked away.

As I walk through the corridors, I hear whispers and quiet giggles coming all the people that I passed.

"Is that her?"

"Yeah! The girl that got into this place through connections."

"Why is it that we have to work hard to get in while she gets in without doing anything."

"I guess she's desperate for credits for university."

I try to ignore, I tried so hard to but no matter what I did, I couldn't stop tears flowing down my face. I'm just an average girl who got in by chance, why am I being picked on?

I quickly sprint through the corridors, desperate to escape chaos which was stirring up in this place. When I finally made it to my room, I lied down onto my bed and I basically hugged my bed. The only friend I had was my bed.


I woke up, with my eyes fluttering and cringing at the sight of light, and I got up and checked my alarm.


I hadn't studied for a while so I went but before I left the room, there was the envelope that I had ready for Jungkook. It was staring right at me, telling me to give to Jungkook but how could I. He hated me...

I took a letter with me since I couldn't stand it being in my room. There was just silence and the only thing that made a sound was my foot making contact with the hard floor. Most of the corridors had their lights off but there was always that special corridor who has a light on. I looked around, scared that people would be there.

I went through the large, oak door with words that were large and bold and said 'Library' and sat down while fidgeting to get that perfect, comfy spot on the chair, as soon as I had my spot I - I had regretted it since I had no books to actually study with and now I would have to do it all over again. I got up abruptly and glided along the rows and rows of book, just like a moth flying from light to light.

Once I had made sure I got everything (after double checking everything) I sat down and fidgeted till it was just right. I opened the book which just happened to brand new as it had that new book small as well as the fact that were pearl-White unlike some of the other book in the library which pages were brown with age and the book itself was brittle.

It'd had been about twenty minutes until I heard a noise, was it a person? But I didn't make a noise except for the fact that I was quietly humming to myself to Once's TT or the fact that I had been tapping my pen on the table, which had been a habit of mine for while, and the fact that I had been going to the toilet every 5 minutes. Okay, I wasn't very good at studying but somewhere I knew I had the potential to study well. I looked around my surroundings and saw nothing but just think about how this would be the perfect place to be in a horror movie, great. A horror movie is just great especially with its creepy music, scary sound effects which make you wonder when another jump-scare is coming and last but not least, it's eerie atmosphere; those conditions are the best for horror movie which was the kind of situation I was in except that I was imagining the music in my head.

I looked around once again and saw nothing and carried on studying, until a hand grabbed with great strength. I tried to fight back as best as I could but I was too weak even to do any damage to him, my next resort was too make as much as I could but 'it' had already taken me onto the floor where I couldn't make any noise whatsoever. I kinda hated it that all the room were sound-proof but hey, a girl could try.

With fury, I tried to squirm out of it's reach.

"Just be quiet!" The voice said sharply, why is it that I recognise this voice?

Is it Jungkook?

I stopped struggling and could-be-Jungkook let me go. Turning my head around, with fear in my heart, there he was. Jungkook.

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