Chapter 4

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Akayla’s POV

Leon gives me a knowing look and throws an arm over my shoulder, giving Colt a good look over. Then I smelled the cubs, not pups- but cubs and a pang shoots through my heart. I should of known that he wouldn’t be waiting around for me. For all he knew we were only friends, so I shouldn’t hold it against him if he decided to mate while I was away. But I throw on a smile and lead Leon over there to give Colt a proper hug. He doesn’t fight me, he wraps his arms around me and I wrap my arms over his waist giving him a big squeeze and a sweet smile.

“Hi Colt.” I greet as he lets me go, I take a step back to put some distance between us. But I did get the scent of another female wolf on him among others.

“You look well Akayla, how was school?” He questions turning his back on me to squat in front of the stroller checking on the buckles.

“School.” I groan with a grimace- I hated school so much. “Anyways this is Leon.” I introduce tugging Leon forward who snorted at me for my ignorance.

“Wassup?” He greets putting his hands in his pockets and I wanted to snicker at his complete submissive gesture. So he wants to play the lost sheep role does he?

Colt returns to his full height and gives Leon a full look over and a small smile graced his lips.

“Nothing much, you must be crazy bringing him here Akayla.” He says turning away from Leon giving me a penetrating gaze that had my stomach twisting with butterflies.

“Why- it’s not like he human.” I humor and Leon bursts out laughing and nods his head in agreement.

“I know but I know for sure your brother won't approve.” He chuckles getting behind the stroller and he grips the handles.

“Oh says the daddy bear.” Leon chuckles taking his hands out of his pockets and running one of them through his wild dark brown hair.

“Daddy bear?” Colt asks seems confused until one of the toddlers squeal in delight when a squirrel came running by. “These aren’t mine- they’re Rosen’s and Derek’s.” He answers not even fazed and relief filled me- okay there was still a chance here.

“Well come on Leon let’s leave the babysitter here and I can introduce you to my big brother.” I chuckle grasping Leon’s hand dragging him after me. Shooting a quick wave goodbye to Colt before we soon disappeared from his sight.

I continue to drag him along until I felt we were far enough for Colt not to be able to listen in. I knew that Leon was reeling from that greetings. Colt let his hair grow out- god it was so dark and luscious I wanted to drag my fingers through it so bad. I fist the fingers of my free hand and then uncurled them to let them get air. He was as tall as I remember him- enough for me too nearly hurt my neck just to look up at him. He was tanner from living out in the sun- sure it was a bit nippier out here then I remembered but he pulled off that dark Trench Coat that hugged his arms. He wore dark jeans and black leathered gloves and his dark luscious hair curled at the ends but they didn’t have the bounce I have. His jaw was still strong and angular, his nose straight and perfected his face. His eyes still the cold icy  blue color that used to make me feel as though I was drowning.

“Damn that man needs tied down.” Leon moans hugging himself while biting his plump bottom lip.

I chuckle and then the image filled my senses. He naked and tied down on a bed filled my imagination, arms tide to the head board above his head on the pillow. I running my hands down his strong very heated chest as I nibbled on his nipple. I bite my lip and squeeze my eyes shut. Then I hear Leon chuckle.

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