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Akaylia’s POV

“Colt!... C----OLT!” I scream running past people not caring if I knocked them over.

I spot him playing with Rosen and Derek’s cubs and pounce on his back, pressing my lips against his cheek before nuzzling his neck affectionately. The twins squeal happily up at us, and I smile down at them before I was suddenly flipped over Colt’s shoulder and he gave me a chaste kiss on the lips. Barely kissing me long enough to actually confirm that his lips were on mine, I pout up at him and he smiles at me lovingly.

“That as barely a kiss.” I whine wiggling beneath him, my hair spread out around my head on the ground.

He raises an eyebrow and leans down taking hold of my lips with his own, dragging at the kiss refusing me entrance. I pull away from him and glare at him in disappointment.

“We have cubs around, Akaylia.” He scolds playfully and I couldn’t stop the giggle from escaping from me.

“It’s not like they understand what’s going on anyhow.” I point out, drawing my arms up and over my head.

He chuckles and gets off of me, his eyes greedily racking over my body before tugging me up off of the ground. He starts patting off the dirt and untangling the leaves out of my hair.

“There, now you're presentable again.” He teases kissing my brow and bending down to pick up the now tired cubs.

“I don’t know what your talking about- I’m always presentable.” I argue slightly, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.

He snorts and supports the twins bottoms with his left arm, reaching back to lace his fingers with my own. My heart beat picks up at how natural he has become with just reaching out and touching me lately. We’ve been mated for nearly two months now, and we haven’t had much free time for one another with me and my Luna position. Since Colt wasn’t a born Alpha I was given the responsibilities of one. Colt didn’t even mind, he said he was happy just being my consort. All that mattered to him was our relationship with one another, god he was so god damn sexy when he was being romantic.

“Oh how could I forget.” He murmurs, bring out hands to his lips and pressing a tender kiss to the back of my hand.

I blush, and look away from his eyes that were sparkling so brightly with love.

“Sap.” I tease, once again tucking away an imaginary piece of hair behind my ear.

“Lover.” He returns, he leads us to Rosen’s house and opens the door. The place screamed homey and love, pictures of the twins were everywhere, along with some of just Rosen and Derek. Then there was a few of Rosen’s lost brother Alan, I finally got to hear the whole story of Derek and Rosen and it sadden me with how much death was lost while I was away at bording school.

Derek leads me up the stairs to the twins room and settled them into their conjoined cradles.

“Could you make them their bottles?” He asks not turning around as he started to change one of the twins into something more comfortable for resting.

My heart warms seeing how gentle he is with the cubs and I couldn’t help but voice my thoughts.

“I want one in a few years.” I state, feeling the heat of my cheeks with my hands.

Colt freezes and turns around to look at me, I bite my lip nervously; we’ve hadn’t had the chance to talk about wanting kids or not and here I am blurting out my feelings about the subject when I have no idea about how he feels about having cubs of his own and not just baby sitting for Rosen from time to time. He studies me for a moment and he takes a step forward his face softening as he caressed the side of my face.

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