Chapter 5

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Colt’s POV

Abaddon is pushing the stroller as I carry Akaylia in my arms. My bear wishing all types of curses on her brother for attacking her. Sure she wasn’t the one he was going for but he should of expected her to protect her friend if she could. I hold back a growl as we walked quickly to the camp- pushing past everyone who was starting to gather around us. Some I recognized as her admirers got on my nerves to no end. Finally I got passed them all and got into the infirmity, lking around for the healer.Unfortunately it was Monica on duty and she saw me and I could see that she was very happy to see me- that is until she saw Akaylia in my arms.

“What happened to her?” She asks immediately becoming professional.

“She was taken down by her brother- hit her head pretty hard on the ground.” I explain laying her gently out onto the bed, brushing the hair out of her face- noticing a small scar just above her right eyebrow.

“So a regular wrestling foul?” She questions now not sounding interested.

“She’s half human.” I state, a growl forming at the back of my throat.

Her eyes widen with worry as she started to examine her skull, working with and around her like a busy bee. I took my eyes off of Monica and sat in the chair beside the bedside with Abaddon waiting by the entrance with her friend. Akaylia’s head was tilted in my direction breathing softly, her eyes fluttering behind her eyelids. She was a little pale- possibly from the hit but it doesn’t look like she got enough sun while she went to school. I wonder why she cut her hair? I loved it long and flowing- how it used to swirl in the wind as she spoke to me. The last time we spoke was the day before she left- she was complaining about leaving. That her home was here with the pack- both packs.  Sure she didn’t approve of the way that Rosen and Derek first got together- yet how else was she supposed to feel to know her Alpha would continue to be alone? She wore a long tan dress that day- covering her feet from my sight as she crossed her arms over her knees in thought. She had loosely braided her hair down her back. But plenty of tendrils fell from it and were being blown lightly around her by the wind. Her dark brown eyes warmed as she watched me enjoy the sun. I had not worn a shirt at the time because I had went running in my bear form. I hadn’t bothered to bring a shirt but I had brought a pair of sweatpants that bagged out a little bit. My hair was already starting to grow back, but not enough to be moved by the playful wind. I don’t know how long we stayed in that small secluded meadow before I had escorted her back to her brother. It felt like a lifetime of peace to me until once again I was alone.

“She’ll be fine- just going to have a headache after she wakes.” Monica breathes turning to look at me, eyes sparking with what only I could imagine love for me. I grimace- she wasn’t suppose to develope feelings for me. No wonder she spoke with Derek about me- wanting to mate with me for life.

“That’s good.” I say gruffly getting up and dragging the blanket up and over Akaylia, keeping her from the chills of the room.

Abaddon quickly comes in and takes the seat I abandoned  as Leon took the seat on the other side of the bed.

“Thank you Colt.” Abaddon sighs with relief not taking his eyes off of his sister.

“Yah… Monica may I have a word- alone?” I ask already walking out of the room.

I hear her excuse herself as I made my way into a private room. Leaning against the wall farthest from the door. Monica slips in and shuts the door behind her, and I heard the soft click of the lock setting in place. I cross my arms over my chest as she approached me excitedly with lust darkening her eyes.

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