Chapter 10

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Colt’s POV

They’re prepping for the coronation and I’m on edge, I want to see Akaylia. I was forbidden to see her until she came to me, it was commanded of me by Derek, Danerous and Leon. But I need her in my arms to see that she was alright to myself, she needed to be alright. To think I was there for her fist changing and I stood there like a fucking idiot not sure of what to do but to call the others as I stood there awestruck to see her Wolf Form. My bear was being driven crazy by just the thought of her in her wolf form. She was magnificent, her coat was as beautiful as her dark curly hair, and her eyes were the same. Everything about her wolf was her and we loved it- we LOVE her and it took seeing her crying out in pain and transforming before our eyes to figure it out- for me to figure it out.

We’re pacing in my cabin as Leon is on the bed resting on his stomach as he looks through a magazine. I wanted to growl at him for daring to give me an order but an Alpha is an Alpha as long as he is in a pack. To think that he was going to be adopted into this pack- sure he won’t rule but he will have authority over everyone if he does choose it. He has been put into the order that if anything happens to Akaylia and her family when she has one of her own then he would be Alpha of her pack. Yet there he was acting like I wasn’t here glaring daggers at him. I’m surprised the wolf in him didn’t feel disrespected by me and wanted me to submit to him. He is one odd Were, and I think he knows it.

“You’re going to wear a path into the floor if you keep that up.” He comments not looking up from the magazine, indicating about my pacing. “And I surprised you haven’t burned two holes in my head by now with that glaring of yours.” He adds on after a very small pause.

“I want to see her.” Was my only response and he sighs deeply rubbing at his temple in mild irritation.

“Well too bad big boy, you’ll just have to wait just like everybody else.” He retorts looking up from his magazine to give me an irritated glance.

I growl at him and continue pacing not caring if I was annoying him. We needed to see her, to hold her in our arms. Then the bell rung throughout the air and I freeze; it’s time to gather for the coronation. I quickly make my way through the door, not bothering to wait up for Leon to catch up. I  made it to the front of the pack, getting a good view of the stage that she would be centered on. Soon we saw her, she was surrounded by guards and her brother and Alpha. She was beautiful, she wore a golden corset with white fabric flowing down her legs and fanning out onto the ground around her as she proceeded towards the stage. Her hair is up in a curly bun that had wisps of her curls framing her face and neck. Her shoulders bare for all to see as she climbed up the stairs. I couldn’t take my eyes off of her, it took all my power not to rush up their to wrap my arms around her. Leon steps up besides me and I see him appraising Abaddon with lustful eyes.

“Don’t even think about it Leon; he doesn’t swing that way.” I say, feeling bad about bursting his bubble.

“We shall see won’t we?” He humors, his eyes brightening with challenge and I couldn’t help but chuckle.

“You’re going to eat him alive- won’t you?” I chuckle seeing that Abaddon noticed Leons look and glared at him before returning his attention to his sister.

“No doubt about it.” He confirms throwing a wolfy smile my way before he too made his way up the stairs and onto the stage with Akaylia.

He bends over and whispers something in her ear, she looks down at the crowd until her eyes met mine. I froze at the passion that lay beneath them, like she was right beside me caressing me. I took a step towards the stage but was stopped by one of the guards who gruffed at me to wait until after the ceremony. I wanted to so badly tear his head off for distracting me from my goals but one glance from Derek had me stopping, awaiting for him to give me the go ahead. He didn’t give it; the ceremony was long and boring. So I kept my eyes on Akaylia, whose eyes was wondering over to my every few minutes. When she was handed the cup to drink from she her eyes met mine and she sipped from the cup. Everyone starting howling and I looked to my fellow bears and roared up to the moon along with them. Soon everyone calmed down and went to proceed to the feast that was set out for this celebration.

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