Tokyo, Siblings, and Vomit

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"Christ, Aliya! Why did you have to get so pissy drunk that I had to stay sober tonight? There's no way you could make it back to the hotel alone like this! You're interfering with my own fun now." My little sister stumbles at my side clutching her stomach as she emptied it's contents onto the pavement. The Japanese locals look at her in disgust and me in silent sympathy. Tokyo is really fun and so are the people but others can be real ass-holes. My sister may be pissy drunk and gross looking but she's my pissy drunk sister and I don't like that look they're giving her. I throw flaming daggers their way as they hurry past and rub Liya on the back.

"Sorrryyyyy. Hey Yana! Doesn't that look like a flower! Ha ha! My vomit looks like a flower! Does your's do that sissy-poo?" She laughs and points at her vomit while I stand there and roll my eyes as I watch the stars. Damn, there's no way she'd be able to make it back if I had gone ahead and stayed and danced with that one guy, Daichi, I think it was. But Liya's more important, family always comes first.

"Are you done throwing up, Liya? If so we need to keep moving and get you to bed." She hiccups and spits the remaining taste out of her mouth. She straightens up, or at least tries to and holds onto my shoulder for support.

"Sure Sissy-poo let's go! Woah, I'm feeling really dizzy all of a sudden." She puts a hand to her head and looks as if she might faint.

"Oh no you don't!" I drape her arm around my shoulders and place my arm around her waist, practically holding her up. "There's no way in hell I'm carrying you back to the hotel. Walk or be dragged." As we start to walk the last few blocks to the hotel she looks up at me with her face in a pout and narrows her eyes.

"You don't have to be so cruel! But don't act so high and mighty standing on your two feet, not swaying or vomiting... let's not forget about that night." She smiles devilish smile. Oh shit, not that again.

"Shush Drunkie you don't know what you're talking about." I start walking a little faster letting her stumble as we go. That's what she gets for bringing that up after our promise. As we enter the lobby of the Blazing Star Hotel a bellhop with a heavy accent asks if we're okay.

"Yes, thank you, my baby sis drank a little too much!" I give him a reassuring smile and practically drag Liya into the elevator. As the doors slide shut she hiccups again and hugs my side.

"I love you Yana." She hugs me tighter as her eyes close and she continues. "I feel like I won't see you for a while. Just a feeling, I don't know why though." I hug her back and laugh.

"I love you too Drunkie. But don't worry, you'll see me tomorrow around noon probably, you're super drunk and most likely won't remember half of what's happening anyway." The elevator doors open to a doe-eyed couple destined for an outing. I drag Liya down the hall and bang on the door. Still standing there nearly a minute later, I bang harder and call for my brother.

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