The Agreement

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 Two Days Later: America (Kansas City, KS)

"I'm going back to Tokyo Cameron. Don't tell the parents until I'm gone." I say as I shove my belongings into a large duffel bag that's laying on my bed. We're in my old room at the parents' house, surrounded by my turquoise walls still plastered with posters of old boy bands, a small wooden desk in the corner storing my laptop and a lava lamp, then my bunk bed which I now use as a couch. We've both been staying here since we got back, it's been two days. We've buried Yana in the family mausoleum and Cam and I have been trying to comfort the parents but they've been falling down into their own personal black holes.

"What the fuck are you thinking? It's been two days since what happened and you're ready to throw yourself into danger already? We still don't know who did it or what their motives were."

"That's why I'm going, so we can know. I'm trying to find closure for this family." I say without looking up.

"What the hell am I supposed to say to mom and dad? I can't cover for you, mom and dad are falling apart, Liya! Mom is drinking more than she ever did in her prime and dad barely speaks anymore as if he's in his own world! I can't do this by myself, these things that take time!" I stop packing and turn to him, leaning against my bunk, arms folded across his chest.

"Well I guess it's a good thing that you're the patient one in the family. I'll be back as soon as possible, and I have no intention of ditching you or the parents. I wouldn't do that." I turn back to my closet and pull more clothes out.

"I never said that's what you were doing but I can't handle this alone. You need to be here, not just because we need to heal as a family but because mom and dad want us to be all together where we're safe! You going back will give them a heart attack! It's not fair to me or them!" My hand tightens around the hangers in my hand and I turn around and fling them on the plush carpet.

"Damn it Cameron! You think this is easy for me? I'm struggling here! It hurts me to see the parents like this and trying to cope is not easy especially with my guilt. You can relate, and trying to work through it is probably going to take years! I'm doing this for all of us and for her! I promised Cam, I can't back out of that!" Tears roll down my cheeks and I run a hand through my thick curls and wipe my eyes. He's quiet for a moment as he searches my face.

"I know you Liya, after we found out what happened, you must have promised Yana that you'd find her killer. Only you would do something like that." He stands there quietly looking out the window as he thinks. Sick of the silence I speak.

"So what now Cameron? What are you gonna do?" I look at him and he closes his eyes, sighing, then meets mine.

"You have a plane to catch soon, right? I'm going to make sure you keep your promise, but you need to tell mom and dad yourself." He turns to go but stops in the door's entrance and turns back to me. "Just so you know this is hard for everyone, myself included. There was so much I could have done, but I didn't. I have to live with that, but owning up to my mistakes will never make it easier." I chide in before he can leave.

"Cam, don't blame yourself. We all have things to work out, we'll help each other. I'll be back before you know it." He turns to me and give me a half smile.

"I know you will." With that we hug and then we go to tell the parents of my departure.

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