The Fight, The Drunk, and The Apology

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"Cameron! Open the door! Liya is barely standing, she'll probably fall and bust her head if I make her handle her own weight!" I hear a sluggish slide of the lock as my heartbroken brother with his crusty 5 day shadow opens the door in a pair of ratty shorts and a bathrobe. He looks like hell, if hell could have a broken and depressed heart. As if snapping out of a trance his eyes widen when he notices Liya in her stumbling drunk state.

"What the hell did you let her drink?" I pass Liya off of my shoulders onto his and slip inside locking up behind me. Trust no one in foreign countries, it's a policy I live by on all my travels.

"I didn't let her do anything. All I did was dance while she was sitting at the bar. It could have been anything sake, whiskey, a margarita, hell I don't know! I just saw her lingering a little too close to the club's exit and she was like this!" I point at her as he tucked her into bed.

"Well you really should pay more attention to her, she's only eighteen and we're in a foreign country. You know what mom and dad would do to us if anything happened?" I roll my eyes in exasperation.

" I know, Cameron. We didn't exactly tell mom and dad that we'd take her clubbing while we're here." He puts a hand up as if to silence me. I hate when he does that.

"Technically I didn't take her, you did. Don't get me mixed up in this." I roll my eyes as I take off my jacket and get some water.

"Well, Mr. 'I'm not a part of this,' why are you here? You only came to watch over me and Liya as dad put it. Yet here you are, moping around because that bitch you were engaged to pulled out last minute!" He looks as if I just slapped him. "You sit here, mope around, eat like a pig, and watch soap operas you can't even understand, all day! I've really been trying but you've been sucking the fun out of this whole trip!" His eyes narrow in irritation.

"So you have everything under control here I guess, huh? You don't need me and all I am is hindering your 'fun'?" He stands rigid and cold. "Liya is so drunk I'm sure she pissed herself on the way here and you mean to tell me that I haven't done anything?" A pillow flops on the floor between us.

"Ssshhhhhh. No more fighting guys, okay? Spread the love! Share the love! I loooove you!" She slurs the word love and giggles softly before rolling over gently, snoring her way towards a hangover. That actually managed to get a snicker out of both of us. Then, we realize that we had been mad moments before and glare at each other. Bringing his heartbreak into the mix about his former engagement was a low blow. It had only been a week since Jordan called off the engagement via text! I knew she was a gold digging, ungrateful piece of shit, but what she did was unforgivable. No one messes with my family, period. When I see her again there will be hell to pay. I'll apologize for that later, but apologizing is just not my strong suit, it takes time for me to form the right words. I stalk over to my bed and he opens the door to his connector room next door and shuts it, but I know he'd like to slam it, and he would if Liya wasn't there.

I look over at Liya sleeping soundly as if nothing had happened, the blissful high of being drunk. It looks like the best I'm going to be tonight is buzzed. A harsh groan comes from the Liya's side of the room as she tosses and turns digging her face into the pillow as if it could make her oncoming pain dissipate. Well, I guess I should get her some aspirin and a Sprite. Her hangover is going to be a killer when she wakes up. Oh, little sis, you know nothing of the throbbing skull-cracking pain of a post drunk headache. I smile to myself and sit up off my bed and go to put on my jacket. After I slip on a pair of ballet flats, I tie my thick brown hair back into a ponytail.

I walk to the connector door and crack it open. In the middle of the room Cameron lies on his bed. I open it fully and lean against the hinges sighing softly. I wish I could help him more. I've never been in a situation like this. I walk towards the empty side and sit on the edge of the bed with my back to him.

"I'm sorry for what I said Cameron. It was harsh and unnecessary. I'm sorry. It was really uncalled for." There's silence, nothing. I turn around and look at him, poke him in the side and when he still lays there I get up and walk around to look at him. He's fast asleep. I roll my eyes and huff. Only he would sleep through an apology from me. Oh well! It's not happening again, that's for sure! Turning away I glance at Liya again, she lays there smiling and muttering something about swimming with mermaids. With a half smile on my face I grab my room key and leave, never to return.

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