The Pep Talk and The Meetup

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"So that's why you were looking all grim earlier, you were thinking about that." I wonder, if he trained to be a shrine priest... "Can't you exorcise her then? I mean, if that's what you trained to do even though it was years ago, couldn't you do something about her?" He looks even more troubled at this request.

"No, sadly I didn't get far enough in my training to exorcise spirits myself. The best I can do is write ofuda but, most likely they only work if written by an actual priest and I never became an actual priest."

"But you did the training, I'm sure you can do something!" He shakes his head and furrows his thin brows.

"I became a detective to escape that life so I wouldn't have to deal with it."

"Well too bad! Suck it up buttercup, because whether you like it or not a spirit has killed someone in your city and you mean to tell me that you're not going to try and fix it because it involves your past, something you didn't want to do?" I look at him incredulously with my hands stuck out as if to say, well? He looks at me and shakes his head, then rolls his eyes.

"Damn, you really know how to get someone off their ass. It's my job to help you, so it's what I'll do. We can go see my mother at her shrine and see if she can help us, but fair warning, we aren't on the best terms and this isn't easy for me." He stands while I nod and well up with emotion.

"Thank you, Daichi. I really appreciate this."

"Your welcome. We'll go see them tomorrow, meet me at this address." He goes behind his desk and writes an address on a post-it note, rips it off, and gives it to me. "I know you're not familiar with addresses here but the subway should take you there." I look at the address.

"Okay, see you tomorrow." Then I turn to go and head back to my hotel, tomorrow will be the day this all gets worked out. I step out into the setting sun's light and close my eyes as the warmth envelopes my body. If only I knew how wrong I would be.

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