Preference ▹ They Find Out You're Pregnant

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Note: Obviously not including Tara... I'm not doing Abraham and Eugene because I'm too tired right now... Maybe I'll make a part two.

Rick: You sighed, looking back down to the white stick in your hand. You went to Denise to get a pregnancy test after a few days of practically living in the bathroom, emptying everything in your stomach, waiting for the timer to go off. When you heard the faint 'ding' of the alarm on the stove in your house, you took a deep breath and looked at the piece of plastic. Your eyes widened when you saw the red '+', your heart racing. At first you were excited, a smile growing on your lips. And then your mind wandered back to the prison and how you had watched Lori bleed to death while you sat there helpless. Tears found their way to your eyes, your stomach lurching when the front door to the house opened and closed, footsteps making their way towards your location. "Y/N?" Rick's tired voice called. You wanted to curl into a ball and disappear, but instead decided to take a shaky breath and shout a quick "In here!".

You watched the silver knob turn, eyes trailing up to Rick's face when he appeared behind the door. You swallowed hard, watching his eyes fall on the pregnancy test in your shaking hands. "Are you...?" He didn't finish his sentence, his feet bringing him in front of you before he kneeled down. "Y/N?" Rick's voice sounded happy, catching you off guard. You hadn't noticed the tear falling down your cheek until Rick's thumb wiped it away.

"What if..." You paused, a loud sob erupting from your throat. "What if I lose it? O-Or what if I end up like Lori?" You began to breath heavy, dropping the test on the ground and gripping Rick's shoulders tightly. "Rick, I-" You were cutoff when his lips captured yours softly, his hand moving a piece of hair behind your ear. 

"I won't let that happen." He said quietly before trailing a hand down to your stomach and rubbing it gently. "I won't." Rick whispered, looking into your eyes. You blinked away your tears, your lips forming a smile. "I love you, Y/N... I'm not going to let anything happen to you or this baby." He reassured. 

 Daryl: "How the hell are we supposed to raise a damn baby in this fucking world?!" He practically shouted, making you flinch. "How did this even happen we always-..." He trailed off, seeming to remember last week when he got impatient and took you on the couch, right where you sat at this very moment. Daryl breathed out a quiet "Fuck" before sitting next to you with his head in his hands. "I can't believe I was so stupid." He mumbled. 

You scooted over to him, your hand resting on his thigh. "Daryl, there's nothing to be worried about." He snapped his head up to look into your eyes and let out an emotionless chuckle. You sighed and pursed your lips. "Look, we got a doctor here." You started, moving your hand to the back of his head. "I'm not leavin' you." You said, not breaking his stare. 

He pulled you onto his lap and buried his head in your shoulder. He wrapped his arms around your waist and gave a small whimper. You knew he was crying, but you wouldn't bring it up. "And what if somethin' happens?" Daryl asked after a few minutes of silence aside from his quiet sobs. "I'm not-... I can't lose you." He said, lifting his head out of your shoulder to meet your eyes. Your heart broke a little at the sight of his worried face. You wiped a tear away from his eye and kissed his forehead softly. "I already lost my brother... Sophia... Beth." He cried. "I can't lose you. Not you."

"And you won't." You said quietly, pulling his head back into your shoulder. "I will do everything in my power to make sure you don't." You whispered. You felt him relax underneath you and his hand slide underneath your shirt, stopping at your stomach. "Are you okay with this...?" You asked him quietly. 

"I will be." He said, looking up to give you the best smile he could at this moment. "Who's gonna tell Rick?" Daryl asked, making you pale at the thought of strolling up to your father about this. 

Carl: "And you're sure?" Carl had asked when you told him about the life growing inside you. You nodded, your eyes closing in regret. "Shit." He breathed, walking over to you and pulling you into a tight hug. "We'll get through this, Y/N." He soothed, running a hand through your hair. "We always do."

You looked up at him, tears stinging your eyes. "The other times I wasn't pregnant." You bit your lip and shook your head, turning to look out the window. You saw Rick out talking with your uncle Glenn. You let out a shaky breath and looked back into Carl's eyes. Well, eye. "This was irresponsible of us, Carl. We're just kids..." 

He pulled you into him tighter, his chin resting on the top of your head. You stayed there for a few moments, breaking apart when the front door opened.

 You turned and felt a wave of nausea hit you when Glenn walked in, looking between the two of you confused. "Everything alright here?" He asked with a raised brow. 

You were about to answer, but was cut off when you suddenly ran to the bathroom and slammed the door as you threw up. 

"She'll uh." Carl said awkwardly, his voice cracking. "She's um..." 

Glenn looked at him for a second before realizing what he was trying to say. "Y/N!" 

Negan: You shivered under the intense stare Negan was giving you as he waited for you to explain what had been so important to bring him to your room. You licked your lips, standing and walking over to him, reaching for Lucille. Once you gripped the bat in your hand, he tensed a bit, not sure if he should put his guard up or not. You tossed the bat onto your bed and closed your eyes momentarily before you grew the balls to just come out and say it. "I'm pregnant, Negan." You got out quickly. You avoided his eyes, not sure what his face was doing. "Before you ask if I'm sure, I checked several times..." You sighed and crossed your arms over your chest, focusing your eyes on your shoes. "You're going to be a dad. And I understand if you're mad or-" You let out a yelp of surprise when you were lifted off the ground and slammed into the wall. "Negan?" You breathed out, a shiver running down your spine as you locked eyes with him. 

"And you're fucking sure they were all fucking positive? Every single fucking one?" He asked, narrowing his eyes a bit and digging his nails into your thighs. You nodded, a shaky breath passing through your lips. "This is fucking amazing." Negan said with a toothy grin. 

You blinked a few times, confused at his response. It was not at all what you expected. "What?" 

Negan chuckled and set you down after pressing a quick kiss to your lips. "I may not be the nicest fucking guy to walk this fucking Earth, doll. But this is the best fucking news I've ever received." He explained before connecting his lips to yours again.

Glenn: You paced back and forth by the door, trying to talk yourself into doing this. You had found out you were pregnant and were now debating on going outside to tell Glenn or keep it to yourself for a while. After a few seconds of pausing your pacing, you mumbled a quiet "fuck it" and opened the door, quickly walking to the makeshift watch tower, climbing the ladder. You poked Glenn's shoulder, surprising him and bringing him out of his calm state. 

"Y/N?! What the-" You cut him off with your hand covering his mouth as you looked into his eyes. You pulled your hand away and took his hand in yours. "Y/N what's wrong?" He asked, now a little worried. 

"I eh." You bit your tongue gently, squeezing his hand. "I'm er... I'm pregnant." You blurted out, gritting your teeth at your stupid way of telling him.

"You're... You're what?" Glenn asked, his eyes widening while a smile formed on his lips. "Y/N, holy shit." He said before hugging you and kissing the top of your head. "I fucking love you..." He whispered. 

You smiled and breathed in his scent. You felt like nothing bad could ever happen to the two of you again as you stood there holding each other. 


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