Imagine ▹ Negan Angst/Your Death

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Type of Imagine: Angst

Reader gender: Female

Warning(s): Language(I mean.. It's Negan), mentions of blood, death, gore, mentions of sex


"Alright...If I tell you, you're not gonna laugh, right?" Y/N asked, bumping shoulders with Negan as they walked down the road towards the car they had parked at the start of their run almost an hour ago. 

"I promise." He smirked, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

"When I was eight I had this poster... And it was of Leonardo DiCaprio, right?" She paused, looking up at him as he nodded for her to continue. "Every morning before school and every night before bed I would kiss it, right where his lips were printed, and I'd tell him, it, that I loved him...It." 

Negan's face was blank for a moment before he finally burst into chuckles, his arm going over Y/N's shoulder's so he could pull her into him as they walked. "Ahhh, doll, I knew you did some fucked up shit as a kid but that... That's fucking weird." 

"Negan." She said, continuing after he replied with a hum. "You named your bat. I'd say that takes the cake." She pointed out, motioning towards the barbed sports equipment in his gloved hand. 

His laughter stopped, his mouth forming a straight line as he looked up at the sky in thought. "I ever tell you why that is?" 

"No, I just assumed it was a Cast Away type of thing." Y/N admitted, a frown setting on her face when he pulled away from her. She began to ask why he had named his bat, cutting herself off when her bag strap began to dig into her neck, making her shift it a little to the right to give her skin a break. 

"How far did we walk from the truck? It didn't seem this far before." She huffed, her question long forgotten, dragging her boots as they walked, the sound of the heels scraping on the pavement echoing through the empty roads. 

"We're almost there, don't worry." Negan assured with a sad smile that she didn't see, giving her shoulder a comforting squeeze. "See? There's the speed limit sign from before." 

Y/N looked to where he was pointing, a relieved look washing over her face. "Thank the heavens. I am so fucking tired..." She furrowed her eyebrows in thought. "Or thank... Wherever our souls go after we die." She chuckled.

"You believe in that shit?" Negan asked with a raised brow, realizing he never really asked if she was religious or not.

"I used to... But then dead people started to roam the earth and I just... I'm not so sure anymore." She revealed before looking up at him again, this time with a smile. "But I met you, so there must be someone looking out for me, huh?" 

"More like someone looking out for me." He corrected. "How about as soon as we get back to the Sanctuary, I'll take real good care of you so today doesn't seem so bad?" He teased. "Incase you don't understand, I'm gonna fuck you nice and slow tonight." He clarified with a wink, earning him a playful glare from her. 

"Mhm, you better." She smiled again, kissing him softly before pulling away from him and jumping slightly when a clap of thunder sounded overhead. "Great, as if we weren't having enough fun already with all the walking... Dodging walkers left and right and now..." She paused, water droplets beginning to harshly pour over them. "Rain... We should probably get to some cover until it clears up a bit!" Y/N shouted over the thunder and rain, not waiting for an answer before she jogged over to the wooded area, pressing herself against a tree to get as much cover from the leaves as she could. 

Negan looked around for a better option, opening his mouth to protest only to get cut off when he spotted it, his ears suddenly ringing with Y/N's screams. Everything seemed to be in slow motion in that moment. The walker coming up behind her as she smiled over at him, it's disgusting teeth sinking into her shoulder where his hand was moments ago... 

Finally, he was able to run over to her, shoving the walker off and wincing as it ripped the flesh off of her body before he brought Lucille onto it's head angrily, again and again. 

Y/N was shaking, her hand gripping onto her shoulder while Negan continued to bash the Walker's brains in. She breathed out, falling to the ground in pain. "N-Negan..."

Negan paused, his heart shattering. He slowly turned and Lucille fell from his hands as he dropped to his knees to hold her, unshed tears forming in his eyes. "Y/N-...Fuck...We can-"

Y/N shook her head, her own tears spilling down her cheeks as she continued to clutch her shoulder, blood flowing through her fingers. "You and I both know we can't do anything... Not with the bite where it is." She smiled sadly, her heart breaking for him. "This is it for me, Negan." 

"Don't fucking say that, Y/N. It's not it for you, not yet. Do you fucking hear me?!" He asked, taking her into his arms. "You can't-"

Y/N winced as he tried to get her in the most comfortable position possible, opting to lay her in his lap, one hand cradling her head while the other held her free hand. "I'm sorry.. I should have been paying attention..."

Negan breathed out a laugh, not wanting her last moments to be her worrying about him. "You don't have eyes on the back of your head, doll." 

She smiled up at him, her hand pulling away from his gently and finding his cheek. "You never told me... Why did you name your bat?"

Negan frowned, his now free hand moving to smooth back her hair. "Y/N, I-"

"Please..." She begged quietly.

He sighed in defeat and nodded, gently adjusting how she was laying in his lap. "Before the world went to shit, I had a wife. Lucille." 

Y/N smiled, her hand that was cupping his cheek now resting on her stomach as she listened, tears clouding her vision. 

Negan finally looked into her eyes, his own tears threatening to spill over before he continued his story. "She got really sick...Cancer." He paused for the thunder, his breath shaky when he sighed. "I fucked around on her while she was in the hospital and then she...She died. Right when the shit show started." 

He looked away from Y/N when she pulled a face at his confession, his hand taking her's once more. "She turned and...I had to put her down. I-" Negan froze when he looked back down.

Y/N's eyes continued to stare up into Negan's, their once bright E/C now a dull and glazed over echo. Her chest was no longer rising and falling. She was gone. 

"Y/N?" He said, shaking her gently, her head lolling to the side, her temple now resting on his knee. "Come on, Y/N... Don't you fucking leave me!" He shouted, his tears finally breaking free. "Y/N!" He tried again, bringing her face into his neck, rocking back and forth with her in his arms. "I'm sorry, it's all my fucking fault..." He whispered into her hair. "I should have been looking out for you."

His hand reached onto her waistband, taking her knife out of it's holster and putting it behind her head. "I'm sorry." He repeated, pushing the sharp steel into her skull and into her brain. 

Negan was quick to pull it out, throwing it away from them in disgust as he just held her close to him as the rain slowed down. He pressed a small kiss to Y/N's now cold lips, and then her forehead. "I love you."

A/N: I had an poster of Anakin from Star Wars: Attack of The Clones that I used to kiss when I was little, so of course I had to write something similar for Y/N 

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