Chapter 1

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I just want to say that I do not know if a transmission between HT's can be heard over a radio scanner or department radios, but for the purpose of this story you can.

Today had started as most normal days do. The shrill beeping of the alarm clock had interrupted his deep blissful slumber. He had smacked it several times trying to stop the offending noise. Successful in his third attempt, he had actually managed to turn it off instead of simply just hitting snooze. A while later he jumped up with a start as he heard the ringing telephone. "Crap!" he said aloud to the empty room. He knew he had fallen back to sleep and had now officially overslept and would be late. Reaching for the telephone on the other side of the bed he lifted the receiver to his ear and spoke in a very hoarse whisper, "Hullo"

"Johnny?" Roy Desoto his paramedic partner at Station 51 of the Los Angeles County Fire Department knew it was his best friend, but he sounded funny.

"Huh? Um yeah Roy it's me. What....uh what time is it?"

"Nine thirty Johnny, you're late. Cap's kinda mad. You comin' or are you sick or something?"

Roy could hear Johnny coughing through the phone. "I'm comin' Roy."

"Johnny you sound like you have a pretty bad cough there. Are you sure?"

"Yes Dad I'm sure. I pulled some overtime yesterday at 16's and we had a big one, and I just woke up. You wanna tell Cap I'm on my way or should I."

"I'll tell him. Be careful Johnny. Dwyer's gonna stay 'til you get here."

"Okay Roy, I'm on my way. I'll just put on my uniforms before I.....oh man!"

"What is it Johnny?"

"My uniforms are at the dry cleaners. I'll have to stop and get them. Look Roy I gotta go if I'm ever gonna get there. Thank Dwyer for me. See ya in a bit." Johnny hung up the phone before he even heard Roy's response. He had showered the night before after getting in from the overtime shift and fire. He had been covered in smoke and soot. He grabbed his favorite tight, faded blue jeans, black fire department t-shirt from this year's picnic, pulled on his regulation black sox and his well worn cowboy boots, grabbed his wallet, keys and shades and practically ran for the door while running his fingers through his thick black hair trying to at least make it appear he had combed it. It would take a minimum of thirty minutes from his ranch to the cleaners, five minutes to get his uniforms, (He hoped they saw him coming and had them waiting when he got inside. He smiled as he remembered the sexy little redhead that worked there on most mornings.) and another ten to the station. No way could he get there in less than forty five minutes. Cap was going to give him latrine duty for a month. He groaned at that thought as he shifted his Land Rover into gear and threw gravel from his drive as his wheels hit the pavement.

Meanwhile back at the station Roy made his way slowly to Captain Stanley's office. If he delayed telling his superior for a few minutes it would make it seem like it took less time for Johnny to get there. Knocking on the frame to the always open office door he cleared his throat. "Um Cap. I talked to Johnny. He pulled an overtime shift at 16's yesterday; they had a big fire. He's on his way. He should be here in a little while."

"Well thank you Roy. I understand about the overtime shift I spoke with the Captain at 16's this morning. He said it was bad. He told me that John would probably be running on empty this morning, and that he took in some smoke. However, it is still his responsibility to either call in or be on time. I will need to see him when he is here, dressed and ready to begin work. You let him know when he gets here."

"Yes sir." Roy turned from his Captain and walked over to the squad's passenger side and began the morning inventories.

"Hey Roy did you find that partner of yours?" Chet Kelly asked smiling. "I know who has latrine duty today and probably for the next few shifts." He said in an almost sing song fashion.

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