Chapter 2

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Johnny sat in his recliner surrounded by his closest friends, his family; his letter of commendation lay in his lap. Staring at the words on the paper he couldn't believe that the department, Chief McKonnike, thought he deserved the praise he had been given. All he had done was follow his training, secure the scene and find a way out a burning building. What was the big deal? Why did that matter to anyone? He had been terrified of burning. Wouldn't they have done the same thing? Wouldn't anyone in that situation have thought to use the hose? He was just a guy, a normal everyday fireman. He didn't feel special. If he had done a better job he would not have gotten himself trapped in the first place. He sighed aloud.

"Johnny?" Roy had come up beside the recliner holding a plate of food in each hand. "You okay?"

"Huh? Oh uh just....thinking."

Roy placed the two very full plates on the coffee table and reached for the letter. He knew that his best friend would have trouble accepting this praise. He knew that Johnny did not think he had done anything different than any other guy in the same situation, but he was wrong and they all knew it. "Let me put this up for you in the study. Then I'll come back and help you with your plate."

"I can take this sling off until after I eat," Johnny said trying to raise up in the chair enough to maneuver the sling on his sprained shoulder unsuccessfully. He closed his eyes to hide the irrepressible tears that welled up as the pain in his shoulders reawakened and the muscles in his chest pulled on his healing ribs. He gasped at the action and gritted his teeth to try to hide the severity of it all.

Captain Stanley made his way across the great room, picked up one of the plates from the coffee table and took the seat on the couch nearest the recliner. "Look John we are all family here. You do not have to hide your pain from us. We know you hurt. Now that said I will help you with this wonderful epicurean delight. Roy will help you remove that sling so you can hold the fork yourself if you prefer, but you will let me or someone else help you with the plate. Understood?"

Johnny did not have any fight left in him. He hung his head in defeat. "Yes sir, but I'm not very hungry."

"Nonsense son, if for no other reason but to satisfy the need to eat along with your medications, you will eat and besides John Gage you have never, since the day I met you, not been hungry." Stanley smiled at his friend. Johnny sheepishly smiled at his Captain and opened his mouth. Mike, Chet, Marco, and Roy as well as their families all laughed at the scene playing out before them. Captain Stanley spoon fed his youngest crew member most of what was on his plate. Soon the women moved to the kitchen to clear away the dishes and store the leftovers. The men from Station 51's A-shift settled around the TV as they often did when on duty together at the station. Before anyone noticed Johnny, who had been properly medicated, drifted to sleep.

'He was alone in a very dark place, a very hot dark place, but he was shivering. The darkness seemed to envelope him. Suddenly he could see thin bright lines snaking up along the walls of darkness. The lines became bigger, wider. Then the lines became flames and closed in on him. He tried to move away only to find out there was no escape. He was getting hotter and hotter and the flames closer and closer seeming to taunt him; flitting before his face and then pulling back performing a kind of teasing dance. He pulled back screaming for help.'

"Johnny wake up. You're having a bad dream. It's just a dream. You're safe at home. Johnny, come on now its okay." Roy softly shook him. All of the activity in the house came to an abrupt stop, the women came in from the kitchen, the kids came in from outside having heard Johnny scream for help. Johnny stared wide eyed but not aware. "Come on Junior wake up for me."

Johnny slowly became aware of his surroundings. The darkness cleared and he found himself in his recliner with all of his closest friends staring at him. "It was a dream?"

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