Chapter 3

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The first thing Hank noticed as he tried to hand the coffee to Johnny was that all of the blinds in the room had been raised allowing the sunlight to illuminate the entire space. Johnny was at the front window trying to open it, but not having any luck. "Here John have your coffee. Let me see if I can help you with that window."

"No Cap. I can do it."

Hank noticed the anger that seemed to possess Johnny as he yanked on the window. He was sweating and tears ran down his face. The struggle with the unmoving window clearly caused pain in Johnny's injured muscles. Hank reached a hand over and helped raise it. Johnny slunk down to his

knees and hung his head. "Give yourself time to heal son."

"I ...I don't know if I can deal with this. What if I don't make it back?" Johnny looked up at his Captain. "Maybe I should have stayed up there. I mean if I can't be a fireman/paramedic. "

Captain Stanley saw the anguish in Johnny's expressive brown eyes. "No John you should not have stayed up there. You will make it back and the guys and I will help you." He reached down and helped Johnny up. "Now I think we both need some coffee. Do you need to open any

more windows before we have our coffee?"

"No sir we don't have to."

"Well John do you normally open them all?"

"Um y..yes. Upstairs too, but we don't have to. We can just run the air if you want."

"John is that how you keep your utility expenses down?"

"Yes Sir. I like the fresh air."

"Well let's get cracking then, so I can get to that coffee." He proceeded to open every window in the house. Hank was amazed at how cool and light the open windows made the house. As he came back down stairs he was met by Johnny who handed him a freshly poured cup of


"It's better hot. I usually have mine out on the deck."

"Lead the way." Hank followed him out the French doors leading to the deck from the spacious kitchen. They sat outside listening to the birds singing and enjoyed the view. That is where they still were when

Mike Stoker came around the house.

"Good Morning. I thought you guys might be hungry," Mike said as he placed a takeout bag on the table. "Any more of that good smelling coffee?"

"Yeah you know where the cups are," Johnny tilted his head towards the kitchen behind him.

"Refill?" Mike asked Johnny as he and Hank made eye contact. Picking up Johnny's cup he disappeared into the French doors.

"I'll give you a hand," Hank said as he followed Mike into the kitchen. Johnny just sat at the table staring at the clouds not even noticing that he was alone.

Inside the kitchen the two men whispered so Johnny would not over hear them. "How's he doing Cap?"

"He's having a hard time right now. You know how hard it is for him to accept help. He really hates feeling vulnerable. He is so depressed. He said that if he can't go back to the job he should

have stayed on the roof. I don't know Mike. I'm really concerned about him."

Mike shook his head in understanding, picked up the two cups of coffee, and the two men joined their friend on the deck again. The three drank their coffee in silence. Captain Stanley ate his breakfast sandwich, but Johnny only nibbled at his and looked off into the distance. "Johnny

did you take your meds this morning?" Johnny didn't answer. "Cap?"

"Gosh Mike I totally forgot about the medicine. I'll get it right now. We've been up for a couple of hours he's probably really hurting. Jesus what was I thinking?"

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