Chapter 5

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Feeling better about his future Johnny decided to get some dinner and try to get some real sleep. It was also time for another pain pill. He hated the way they made him feel, but he wanted to sleep tonight. He hadn't told anyone, but his shoulder was really hurting after his fall earlier. Hopefully he wouldn't have any bad dreams tonight. Finding a bowl of lasagna Joanne had put in his freezer he turned the oven on to the proper heat setting according to her notes taped to the top of the bowl. He removed the note and put the casserole dish in the oven, set the time and headed into the great room to watch the news while his dinner heated. Before he could get through the door leading from the kitchen to the great room the telephone rang. "Hello Gage residence."

"Hey Johnny."

"Evening Roy. How's it going?"

"Good. We've been pretty busy today, simple stuff, but still a lot of runs. You doing okay Junior?"

"Well Pally since you sent the Calvary out here to check on me I'm doing great. Brackett sent a sedative. Somebody must have talked to him today. Wonder who that might have been?"


"No really Roy did you have to call Brackett? I don't want him thinking I need to be off any longer than I have to."

"I didn't."

"I mean really Roy I just wanted to do a few....wait...what? You didn't, then who?"

"Joanne called Dixie. She was worried about you Johnny. She said she found you having another bad dream. She said you looked like you hadn't slept since you got home. She loves you Junior. Please don't be upset with her."

Johnny was silent on the other end of the phone line for a long time. Roy knew he was still there, because he could hear him breathing. He ran his hands through his hair as he did when he was tired, upset, or thoughtful. "I'm not mad."

"Good because I know Joanne would not want you to be upset with her about calling Dixie. Anyway Dixie talked to Brackett. He was planning to come out there himself until she talked him out of it. She knew he would probably want you re-admitted for observation until the dreams stopped. Dixie knew you would never agree to that. Johnny a lot of people care about you and want to see you back at work as soon as possible, but try not to over do it."

"Yeah okay Roy. Listen I hear the timer on my dinner. I'll talk to you tomorrow. I'm turning in early tonight. I'm kinda tired."

"Okay Johnny, goodnight."

"Nite Roy you guys be careful."

"Sure thing Junior."

Johnny stood by the phone for a few minutes thinking about Joanne seeing him having another bad dream. His friends must be thinking he had lost his mind. The beeping of the oven timer brought him back to the present. He went to retrieve his dinner from the oven. Opening the door allowed the heat to escape. Feeling the heat on his face made Johnny step back from the oven. Suddenly he was gripped with a flashback of the intense heat at the fire that nearly took his life. He began shaking. He squeezed his eyes shut and found his way to one of the kitchen chairs. Slumping down into the chair and trying to control his breathing. He didn't want to pass out. 'God what is happening to me?' he thought. 'I've got to get a hold of myself.'

He sat there for a few minutes breathing slowly, deeply. Feeling in control once again he took his dinner from the oven and closed the door trapping the heat inside. He grabbed a dish rag to hold the bowl with and went to his favorite seat in the great room, his recliner. Flipping on the TV as he passed he tuned in to the newsonly to find that the newscaster telling a follow up story about the office building fire. His picture was in the corner of the screen, "Fireman Paramedic John Gage is recuperating after his heroic attempt to escape the deteriorating building. He was able to tie himself with a fire hose allowing his descent from the collapsing roof. Mr. Gage sustained injuries after slamming into the side of the outside wall of the structure. It has been determined that this fire was caused by an electrical short in the wiring. This station wants to wish Mr. Gage a speedy recovery. We need people like him on the job of protecting the good people of Los Angeles and the surrounding community."

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