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"We got enemies closing on us fast, Captain." Everyone on deck forgets to breath. They aren't equipped to fight anyone. They are transporting civilians that are tired of the endless fighting and wars.

"I.D. check Ensign," The Captain demands.

"Registered as Martian. Unknown affiliation sir," Ensign Maddack replies.

"Let's hope to hell that this is the escort we've been promised," The Captain replies.

"This is Martian ship Lanore hailing ship with unknown registry, you will idle your engines and prepare to be boarded. This is not a request. Failure to comply will result in  shots being fired."

"What do we do Captain?" Ensign Maddack asks nervously.

"What else can we do? We're too old and slow to outrun a warship and have little in the way of protection should they fire on us. Idle the engines and prepare to be boarded." Captain Jerold replies bitterly.

Twenty minutes later the boarding party from the Martian ship enters the bridge. One man steps forward and two others take up protective stances with their weapons at the ready. "Who is in charge of this ship?" The man with out the weapons asks.

"That would be me, I'm Captain Jerold." Jerold says stepping forward doing his best to keep his crew safe.

"Tell me Captain, why are you running without registry? You are flouting all the laws and endangering the lives of all the people of this ship." The man's voice is soft but pervasive.

Captain Jerold swallows, he's a veteran of many battles and has the battle scars to prove it, but like the civilians he's tired of fighting and that's why he accepted this job.

"I am taking this ship of civilians away from the fighting. Everyone other than my crew are in stasis until we find a suitable planet. Our sources tell us the solar system in the next quadrant hold many possibilities. My crew and I are to get us past our solar system and then join them in stasis until the computer alerts us to possible planets to terraform..." Jerold starts explaining.

"I see. Well Captain, you're in luck that we ran into you. Our ship will act as your escort. Mars has defense perimeters and you wouldn't be allowed past that. Too many of your Earth ships have tried to destroy our colonies.

"We'll take you to the other side of Saturn at which time we will let you go and wish you luck on your journey.

"Personally, I can't say as I blame you for wishing to leave the fighting behind but starting a colony from scratch isn't my idea of anything better." The unknown man says conversationally. He motions for his escort to lower their weapons and things visibly relax on the deck.

"They're the ones we've been told to expect, let them through." The man says in his communicator. Jerold still isn't sure if he can trust this man, but he can't say that he distrusts him either.

"Alright Captain, restart your engines. Do not try to go faster than the speed that we caught up to you at. My ship will take the lead and follow closely, failure to comply will result in my ship firing on your engines disabling it. It may be an older ship but it can still be used for scrap metal and parts."

"Very well. Ensign," Jerold orders.

"Yes, Captain." The Ensign replies and the ship gives a slight shudder as it starts moving once more.

"Well this is it Captain. From here on out you'll be on your own. Good luck Captain on finding your paradise. I hope things turn out as well as you think they will." The Martian man says as they pass the final moons of Saturn and Neptune's large shape isn't far off to their right.

"We appreciate your escort sir. I realize that your ship fought off ships at least once." Jerold offers as the three men prepare to leave the bridge.

The man never gave his name but he smiles. "We'd prefer to escort fools out of the system to blowing them up, but we are more then happy to do so if they insist." His tone makes ice cold chills go down Jerold's back.

"Three planets to choose from Captain. The middle one is the best of the three and will require the least terraforming. Near Earth norms on temperature and atmosphere and oh gravity as well." The science officer Namay offers without looking at the Captain.

"Sounds like that's the one we should send the terraformers on then." Jerold says. "Prepare to deploy them. Better wake up those genius scientists. I for one have no intention of waiting for the terraformers to prepare the planet."

"Already have Captain, the rest of the crew has remained in stasis. Those that have volunteered for this stage have already been awakened. Only two haven't, above average on waking." Namay offers. She is the one that volunteered from his crew to help out the civilians.

"Very well. Officer Namay, the com is yours. If there are any problems don't hesitate to wake the rest of us." Jerold orders just before leaving.

"Aye Captain."

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