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"Tamsin, what the hell are you doing?" Jenna asks still more asleep than awake. She stumbles into the kitchen to find Tamsin trying to feed Michael. Trying being the operative word.

"Shelby had to leave and couldn't feed Michael, so I thought I'd do it. I tried not to wake you Jenna, you need your sleep, but apparently I'm a huge failure at it. He just spits it out. I'm sorry Jenna. I'll clean up the mess and leave." Tamsin is miserable he'd hoped to have this time with his son.

Jenna smiles at his misery. "No, he's just ornery in the morning, obstinate like his father. Just get him to take small bites, you are putting far too much on his spoon. There, see he's eating it just fine." Tamsin is entranced with Michael now that he's eating much better.

"I'll clean it up, you should go back to bed Jenna. I didn't let you get much sleep." Tamsin says unable to take his attention from his son.

"No, I can't. This Tamsin, is the best birthday gift you could give me," Jenna says unable to keep the tears back. This is what she had wanted from the beginning, to have her son and husband. She blushes at the thought, Tamsin isn't her husband and isn't likely to ever be.

"Birthday gift!" Tamsin slaps his forehead with his hand. "Dammit, I had meant to give this to you last night after dinner, but then this incredibly sexy woman decided to sit in my lap and kiss me. She took me to her home and had her way with me making me completely forget about her gift."

"You think I'm sexy?" Jenna still has scars from the explosion and doesn't feel sexy at all.

"She was the hottest woman I've ever seen, let alone bedded." Tamsin says going over to her and kissing her, both forgetting about Michael.

Tamsin hands her the box Calus had tossed to him last night. "Now, I'm afraid that you're going to take it the wrong way. If you do, I'll take it back and exchange it for something else."

Jenna takes the box after looking at Tamsin perplexed and opens it. She gasps, inside lay a stunning diamond tennis bracelet. The kind of gift you'd give to a mistress.

"I knew you'd take it the wrong way now. That's why I had wanted to give it to you last night, before...I'll get you something else." Tamsin is angry and wants to throw something but he's with Jenna and Michael.

"Tamsin, calm down, it's beautiful thank you." Jenna says as she sees his eyes start to glow. When her words didn't suffice to calm him down she kisses him and he deepens it hungrily. Neither one realizes that Michael is staring at them both.

When the beast finally is able to back off they are both breathing hard. "Tamsin, you being here spending time with our son, this is the best gift you could have given me. This bracelet is beautiful and I thank you for it, but I didn't need anything more than you had already given me."

"Going to bed with you beside me and waking up to you next to me, Michael here, Jenna there isn't anything I could ask for more. But you do realize that we didn't use protection last night?"

"Yes," Jenna's simple answer rocks Tamsin completely.

"Are you on - of course not after, what if you get pregnant again?" Tamsin asks holding her tight.

"What if I do? What will you do Tamsin?" Jenna turns the question back on him.

"I'll never let you go Jenna. You sealed yourself to me when you brought me home last night. If you get pregnant be prepared to have me underfoot the entire time either taking care of you or Michael. You and Michael and any other possible children are mine Jenna, you had your chance to leave and you didn't run when you should have."

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