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"Find her!" Tamsin orders his men as they gather round him as the flames greedily eat the last of the fuel before them. "She wouldn't have remained in the house with my son. And where the hell are the guards that were posted for her protection?"

"Sir?" one of his men dares gain his attention.

"What?" Tamsin growls low and deep.

"Behind you sir. Miss Jenna, she's carrying a bundle and the two guards that you had for her." The man says shakily.

At his words Tamsin turns and indeed there stands Jenna with Michael and the guards. He can't help it he goes up to her and takes her and Michael in his arms enfolding them in a hug. "Are you okay? is Michael okay?" Tamsin demands to know even as he holds her too tight to answer, tears in his eyes.

"If you'd let me breath I could answer that idiot." Tamsin eases up on his hug but doesn't let her go.

"Yes, we are all fine. These two fine gentlemen started a nice little gun battle with whomever decided to use your house as a fire place. That gave me time to get to Michael. When I smelled the smoke I yelled at these two and as soon as they joined me I took us to a safe place. It's taken us awhile to get back because I couldn't get a hold of you or Calus and I didn't know who else I could trust." Jenna tells Tamsin.

"It was one of the arsonists that we employ sir, we tried to stop him but he said that he has a contract out on the lady and a bonus on the child. There was no way, but he managed to evade our bullets and then Miss Jenna screamed and we thought it was better to stay with her. Sorry sir, we failed you." The older guard said hanging his head in shame.

"Sherman isn't it?" At the man's nod Tamsin continues, "You protected Jenna and my son, that was your primary duty. It would have been nice to know who among my men dares to go against me, but I'll take care of that. You have earned no shame this day."

"Calus, there are traitors among the high ranking members." Tamsin pulls a gun and holds it to Calus's head. "There were only a handful of people that knew about Jenna and Michael being here."

"If you doubt my loyalty go ahead and kill me Tamsin. I have devoted myself to you since the day you became the Boss. I would never hurt Jenna or ever order a hit on an innocent, but if..." Tamsin removes the gun.

"You remain loyal, but that leaves only two maybe three others that knew, Calus. Your father being one of them." Tamsin says the pain at the betrayal very real. All those that knew about Jenna and Michael are trusted and he thought loyal men.

"I'll take them all to the warehouse to be questioned. I hope as much as you do it wasn't my father Tamsin, but if it was I'll do my duty." Calus assures him. This strike had hurt him almost as much as it had hurt Tamsin.

Tamsin nods and goes back over to Jenna who was now staying by Shelby. "There is no choice now Jenna. I'm taking you to the apartment I bought earlier. Only Calus knows about it so you'll be safe there. Shelby, thank you for buying the clothes. I'll be getting Jenna a new phone, but until then there will be no communications between you until this disaster is taken care of. I will take care of her I promise." Shelby isn't sure that she can trust the promise anymore but doesn't dare question that when the beast is ascendant like now.

Tamsin makes his way over to the first man to be questioned. Talus, Calus's father. He hopes it isn't him, he's looked to him as a father and loves him as such but it won't stop him if he is guilty.

"Talus, you are the second most trusted man, second only to your son. One of three others that knew about Jenna. Do you know why you are brought here like this?" Tamsin asks watching him, his eyes glowing eerily in the dark.

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