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So, this weekend I had the idea of making a OUAT-Christmas-Story since I'm totally obsessed with Christmas and totally in Christmas mood 😂 I mean, who doesn't like Christmas carols and cookies? 😍😍😍😍

My plan was to upload one chapter every Sunday on Advent and then on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, so it's more a kind of short story 😊 Buuuuuut: my Wattpad didn't work yesterday (and it still doesn't work like it should do), which was the reason why I couldn't create a new book 😒 Now I tried it, and it worked (hopefully I can upload this xD), that's why I'm gonna upload the first chapter tonight (German time) 💟

I hope you will like my little story 😄 Comment and tell me what you think of the coming chapters 💕 

Have a nice Christmastime 💖

~ CaptainSwanPassion ♡

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