Chapter Three | Silent Night And Cookies

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A week later, Emma was lying in her bed, staring at the ceiling. It was the middle of the night, and Killian next to her was sleeping, breathing regularly. For some reason even Emma herself didn't know, she wasn't able to sleep. She had changed her position for many times, had went to the bathroom and had washed her face, she had even opened the window for some fresh air - but nothing had helped. 

Emma reached out for her phone and looked at the clock. 2 am. Luckily it was Saturday, and the coming day - which had actually already begun - she would be able to sleep longer. Provided that she would fall asleep. 

Carefully, Emma turned around so that her head was resting on her left hand. Moonlight was shining though the curtains and was illuminating Killian's face. It was the first time Emma was able to look at him so long and so precisely.

His eyes were closed, making his dark eyelashes seem longer. Emma looked at his perfect lips, his nose. His brown hair was hanging over his forehead, and she would love to run her hands through it. Carefully, her fingers stroke over his cheek, feeling a beard stubble on his jawline. 

Killian mumbled something asleep, somehow noticing that someone was touching him. But he didn't wake up. Emma smiled and took away her hand, letting him sleep in peace. 

Since she really wasn't able to fall asleep, she grabbed her phone and her earphones and went downstairs. Suddenly, something was lying on the floor so that Emma stumbled. Reflexive she reached out for the cupboard and managed not to fall down. But unfortunately, some pens and a few ornaments vociferously fell down on the floor. Quickly, the blonde woman switched on the little lamp and started to pick up the things that laid on the ground. Hopefully, she hadn't woken up anyone. 

As she turned around, she saw the reason she had stumbled: Henry had left his shoes right before the stairs. Emma rolled her eyes and put them aside so that no one would stumble. Then, she switched off the light again. 

Emma walked toward the window and looked outisde. It was snowing again, and everything was still covered in white. In the sky, the full moon was shining, and it was a beautiful sight. Suddenly, she felt like going outside, so she grabbed a blanket and stepped outside. 

Immediately, frosty air was blowing in her face. Emma sat down on the little bench they had on the terrace and wrapped herself in the blanket. As she was sitting there, watching the moon, she remembered how she had spend Christmas as a child.

In the foster homes she had been, she had never really celebrated Christmas. Of course they had had a little Christmas tree, but apart from some sweets they didn't get anything. Emma hadn't really wished for something material, but what she had been missing was the feeling of safety. Every Christmas, she had wished for a family. A family that would love her, that would care for her like she was. But every year, she found herself sitting in front of the Christmas tree, asking herself why she was still alone. If there was a Baby Jesus, a Santa Clause or whoever, why wasn't he meeting her wish? 

Emma sighed and grabbed her phone. A song which she had loved since she was a child was Silent Night. She didn't really know why, but somehow it had always transmitted her a feeling of quiet. That's why she connected her earphones and started to listen to that song. Immediately, a nostalgic feeling overcame her and she closed her eyes. She didn't know if she was suffering or walking down memory lane...but it was calming her. 

Suddenly, someone pulled her left earphone out of her ear. Emma turned her head around quickly and looked into a pair of deep blue eyes. 

"What on earth are you doing outside, in this bone-chilling cold, in the middle of the night?" Killian was holding a cup of tea in his hand, slowly staring to shiver. In her right ear, Silent Night was still sounding. Quickly, Emma paused the song.

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