Chapter One | Christmas Trees And Gingerbread

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When Emma stepped into the house and closed the door behind her, she sighed. Thankful for the warmth she felt, Emma took off her winter coat and her boots. From the living room, she was hearing some voices. 

Since her parents were making some renovation works at their flat, Emma had offered them to stay at her place until they were finished. That's why her parents and two-year old Neal thankfully had moved in at Emma's house a week ago. 

Upstairs, there was still an empty room which was a provisional bedroom for the couple. And for baby Neal they had just put his child's bed next to his parent's bed. 

Henry had been happy to have his little uncle around and spend the afternoons playing with him. And Emma was happy too, because she was having her family close to her - even if they could be really annoying sometimes. Just Killian had to listen to a lot of speeches from David who was making clear that he was still Emma's father and was now checking the pirate out. 

Unfortunately, Neal seemed not to like the change of home, and every night since the Charmings had moved in, he cried the whole night because he didn't want to fall asleep. And when he woke up in the middle of the night, he cried too. Because Killian's and Emma's bedroom was right next to the Charming's bedroom, they woke up every time Neal cried. That's why Emma had climed out of the bed totally overtired a week later. 

When Emma entered the living room, her parents and Killian were standing in the middle of the living room. At their feet there was a huge green thing laying on the floor. 

"What on earth happened here?" Emma came closer and looked at the green thing on the floor. It was definitely a Christmas tree that was laying there, still packed up in a net.  

"We bought a Christmas tree for your house, sweetheart. You haven't decorated anything in here, and Christmas is only in two weeks!" Mary Margaret shook her head like it was a delict not having a Christmas tree yet. 

Emma sat down on the couch cross-legged. "So you just bought one? Without asking me?" She liked it that her parents were living with her for a while, but sometimes they messed with her things too much. 

Mary Margaret, who had been holding Neal in her arms, gave the little boy to David and sat down next to Emma. "We thought you would like it. But if you don't want it, we can bring it back." 

"No no, it's okay." Emma quickly said and gave her mother a little smile. "But I don't have any Christmas tree decorations, the last time I had a tree my last foster home." Emma hadn't been that kind of person who decorated her flat with lights and other Christmas decorations, usually she made herself comfortable on the couch with a warm blanket and a hot cocoa and watched 'A Christmas Carol' which was on TV every year on Christmas. And that was how Emma Swan spend Christmas. 

She remember that once, during the time she had been with Neal, he had asked her if she wanted to go to the Christmas market. Emma had agreed and they had spend a lot of fun together. But after she had come out of jail, she had never set foot on a Christmas market agin. Her only weakness were Christmas carols, but no one knew about that. 

"What? You don't have any Christmas decoration?" Mary Margaret exclaimed, and David shook his head too. "Well, we definitely have to change that. Come on David, we surely have some at our flat. Emma sweetheart, you don't mind taking care of Neal for a little while?" 

Before her daughter could say anything, Mary Margaret grabbed Neal and put him in Emma's arms. "We'll be back soon." With these words, the Charmings disappeared. 

A little clumsy, Emma was holding her little brother in her arms. Neal was holding his little teddy in his hands, stroking over its fur. 

"Sorry for that mess, love. I wanted to stop your parents, but they didn't let me." Killian said with a soft voice and sat down next to Emma on the sofa. 

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