Chapter Four | Seasons Of Cold And The Perfect Gift?

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"So at Christmas you exchange presents? Every year?" Killian asked Henry. The two were sitting in front of the chimney, Henry wrapped up in a blanket. The boy had gotten a bad cold, so he hadn't went to school that Wednesday. Emma didn't want to let him alone and stay at home that day, but Killian had offered to stay with the lad so that Emma could go to work. His girlfriend had thankfully agreed, and now Killian was Henry's personal butler. 

"Mhm, right. Every year. That's how you show the people who are important to you how much you love them." Henry took a nip of tea. "Have you already thought about something for my mum?" 

Killian scratched himself behind the ear. "No, right now it's the first time I hear about that preset exchanging thing." What on earth should he give Emma? Of course there were many things, but he wanted to give her something special - it was the first Christmas they were spending together, and he wanted to give her a special gift.  

"You better think about something, remember: today it's the 16. December, you have only 8 days." Henry laughed as he saw Killian's shocked face. 

"You're gonna have to help me, lad!" 

"And how should I, Henry Mills, know what women like?" Henry asked, his voice rough because of the cold. "I'm only 16 years old, remember." 

Killian just mumbled something which sounded like 'but you already have a girlfriend'. Herny just chuckled and slipped closer to the chimney. "I'm sure she'll like it, no matter what it is. She loves you, that's the most important thing." 

"Didn't know you were such a poet." Killian teased the teenager and laid down on his back. 

"I'm not." Henry poked Killian in the rips who winced. "I just want my mum to be happy, and as long as you're around, she'll be more than happy." 

The pirate sat up a little bit, resting on his underarms. "And what about you? How do you feel about....this?" 

Henry blinked a few times. The pirate was already living for a long time with them, and even if he sometimes tried to ignore it, he was feeling more and more close to the man. Neal would always be his real father, but he started to see Killian as a good friend. "Me? I...I'm happy." 

Killian perked his eyebrows up, not really believing the boy who just laughed. "I mean it. I'm happy that you're here. And not just because my mum is happy." A little smile appeared on Killian's lips, and he sighed with relieve as Henry returned that smile. He had definitely the same eyes Emma had. 

"Please, stop looking at me like that." Henry exclaimed and looked back to the fire. 

"Like what?" Killian chuckled and laid back again on the carpet. 

"So...sentimental. I swear, mum has the same look in her eyes when she tells me how much I've already grown, and that I'm turning into a young man, bla bla bla." 

Killian burst out into laughter. "Well, you are growing up." He sighed and rolled over so that he was laying on his stomach, looking at the fire in front of him. "But I'm glad that - you know - you don't hate me just because I'm with your mother." 

Henry chuckled and layed down next to Killian. "Why should I hate you? You can teach me how to sail, I would never let that slip." 

"First of all, get healthy again lad, and then we can talk about sailing. Although it's a little difficult now since the Jolly Roger must be totally iced up." 

For a while, the two men were laying in front of the chimney, watching how the flames were dancing. Killian was thinking about a perfect Christmas present, and Henry - the teenager was dreaming about exciting adventures on Killian's ship, with sword fights and sea monsters. Both had been so deep in thoughts, that they winced as someone entered the house. 

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