Chapter Two | Do You Wanna Build A Snowman?

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Emma was just dreaming about her and Killian going on a date when she suddenly heard a noise that didn't really suit to her dream. Slowly, Emma opened her eyes and saw how bright light was shining through the window. Quickly, she squinnied, making out the outlines of a male person. 

"Mom, come on. Wake up and look outside!" a voice said excitedly. 

Yes, this voice definitely belonged to her son. And the noise that woke her up surely was him pulling up the shutters. That's why the light was shining so bright into the room. "What on earth happend thar you are waking me up like that?" Emma growled, her voice still rough. 

"Come on, look outside!" Henry just said and opened the window. Immediately, cold wind was blowing into the bedroom and Emma, who was still laying under the blanket, shivered. But it seemed that her son would only leave her in peace if she would get up now. So she clumsily got out of the bed and tottered toward the window.

When she looked outside, the cold wind was blowing right into her face, but that moment she just didn't care. Outside, everything was covered in white. Every tree, every roof had a white layer on top of them, and the garden was covered by a thick snow layer. Little snowflakes were dancing in front of the window, slowly slipping to the ground. 

"And? I think it was a good reason to wake you up, wasn't it?" Henry said, proud of himself that he was the first to see the first snow of the year. 

Emma looked at her son and smiled. He had grown so much during the last year and soon he would be as tall as Killian. Slowly but surely he was turning into a young man she would be so proud about. But his grin still had something childish, something cheeky, and she hoped that it would still stay for a while. "It definitely was a good reason kid." Emma looked outside again, reaching out her hand and catching a few snow flakes that immediately smelted. 

"Wanna go outside?" Emma said with a mischievous smile. Henry's eyes lit up, and for a second she could see herself in his eyes. She remembered how she always went outside when she was six years old and build a little snowman. Unfortunately, the woman of the foster home didn't like when her garden was disfigured and always destroyed it. But little Emma didn't care and always started to build a new one. 

"What on earth are you doing with the window wide open?" a voice suddenly growled from the bed. Killian seemed to have waken up and was now looking at mother and son out of narrow eyes. 

"Snow!" Henry exclaimed and quickly rushed outside and down the stairs. 

"What has your mother to do with this?" Killian was very baffled, not understanding what the teenager was talking about. 

Emma just chuckled and went to the wardrobe, searching for a warm sweater. "No Killian, not my mother. It snowed during the whole night, and now everything is covered with white." Quick she closed the window, seeing that Killian was still shivering and put on the sweater. "I'm gonna go outside now, wanna come with us?" 

Killian stifled a yawn. "Sure love. Just let me wake up and I'm gonna join you." he said tiredly and rubbed his eyes. 

Emma smiled and let the pirate in peace. He needed a moment, and when he would look outisde, she was sure that he would realise what Henry and she had been talking about. Downstairs, she saw Henry who was standing at the terrace door, looking outside. He was wearing a thick sweater and his grey-red striped scarf. 

"It's beaufiul, isn't it?" Emma stood next to him, leaning her forehead against the glass. The snowflakes were still dancing in the air, and from close up the snow looked even more beautiful. 

"Mhm. Do you wanna build a snowman?" Henry hummed, quoting the song from Frozen. 

Emma chuckled and nodded. "Come on let's go and play." Mother and son burst into laughter. Yes, they definitely had the same humor. Emma opened the terrace door. Immediately, cold air was blowing into their faces, but they quickly put on their winter boots and stepped outside. 

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