Chapter Six | Christmas Morning And A Date

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Killian was still dreaming about his ship being destroyed by Rumpelstiltskin as suddenly, someone started to pull at his arm. Slowly, he woke up, his eyes still adjusting to the dimm light in the room. He turned his head around, looking who just woke him up. "Neal?" he asked with a soft voice.  

"Wake up! The presents!" the little boy said excitedly, pulling at Killian's hand again. Now the pirate remembered. It was Christmas morning, which meant it was time to unpack the presents. Immediately, Killian felt the nervousness inside him grew bigger. But he took a deep breath and composed himself. 

"Well well, are you excited lad?" he asked with a soft voice, somehow managing to put the little kid on bed with only one hand.  

The boy nodded excitedly. "Yes, I love presents. I love Christmas!" Neal reached out to Emma and started to poke her in the ribs. "Emma, wake up." 

After a few seconds, Emma started to move, groaning. Slowly, she opened her eyes and rubbed them. As she saw Neal sitting on Killian's stomach, both smiling, she couldn't help but smile as well because of the wonderful sight that greeted her. "Morning guys. Let me guess: Neal, you're excited for your presents?"

"Yes yes!!" The little boy clapped his hands and then slid down from Killian. "Come on, mummy and daddy are still sleeping!" 

Emma grinned. "We should wake them up as well, shouldn't we?" Somehow she had to get her revenge for all the times Neal had already waken Killian and her up these weeks, without the Charmings noticing it. 

Happily, Neal reached out his arms for Emma who picked him up, stifling a yawn. Together with Killian they made their way to the other bedroom where Mary Margaret and David were still sleeping calmly. 

Emma carefully dropped Neal on his parent's bed. The little boy crawled over his mother so that he was sitting right in between his parents. He took a deep breath and then screamed: "Wake up! It's Christmas morning!!" 

The couple, who was ruggedly woken up by Neal's exclamation, sat up totally startled and then realised that it was only her son who was excited for his presents. 

"Oh my god, Neal." Mary Margaret said and hugged her son, her heart still pounding very fast. David stroke over Neal's head, still composing himself from the jolt. 

Meanwhile, Emma was laughing and laughing, leaning against her boyfriend whose good hand was on her waist, a grin on his lips as well. 

Only then, the Charmings noticed her daughter and his boyfriend leaning against the closet. "What did we do that we deserve this?" David said, running his fingers through his messy hair. 

"Oh, just wanted you to experience how it feels like to be waken up by a little boy." Emma said innocently and chuckled. 

"Wow. Thanks for that." her mother said ironically, but she couldn't stiftle a smile. Since Neal was starting to get very impatient, they woke up Henry - this time Emma just shook his shoulder - and walked down to the living room. 

Of course, the little boy stormed to the Christmas tree, followed by Henry walking a little more slowly, but not less excited. And five minutes later, everyone was rooting for the presents with his or her name on it. 

They all started to unpack their presents. Everyone got very different things. From decoration over Rudolph-sweaters - David had extra bought one for Killian - or jewellery. And of course lots of toys or for Henry, lots of movies and video games. 

Emma wasn't that kind of person who loved getting attention when it came to unpscking presents, that's why she took her time until Henry was already busy playing his video game and the Charmings were playing with Neal who got a new railway. Killian was still sitting next to her, watching her all the time. 

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