Chapter Five | Christmas Eve

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"Come on, hurry up. We have to leave in five miutes!" Again, Emma knocked at the bathroom door. Killian was inside there for already twenty minutes, and she would have liked to comb her hair before leaving. 

It was Christmas Eve that day, and they had decides to all have dinner at Regina's place. All, that meant her parents, Henry - who would bring Violet with him, little Neal, Killian and of course her. Belle and Mr. Gold would come over too, as well as Ruby and Granny. 

Emma didn't really like family reunions - since she had never really had a real family. But this year, she would just take the things as they come.  

Mary Margaret had veen very excited as she heard about that family reunion. A day later, she had taken her daughter shopping, telling her that she "can't wear a simple blouse." Happy to be able to spend some time with her daughter, Mary Margaret made Emma try on a lot of dresses, until Emma decided for a black one, just wanting to leave. 

Even if her mother would have preferred something with "a little bit more colour", they bought it and headed home. "But you look really beautiful in that dress, sweetheart. Killian woll like it." Emma, who was driving the car, just lifted her eyebrows, feeling how her cheeks slowly reddened - and switched on the radio. 

Around four o'clock in the afternoon on Christmas Eve, Mary Margaret - who had also called Ruby for help - shooed Killian of the bedroom. "We have to get Emma for tonight, and you're not allowed to see her before. Like you aren't allowed to see the braid before the marriage.' Mary Margaret winked at Killian who just caught awkwardly and nodded. 

Emma didn't quite understand his behaviour, but as the two other woman closed the door, rubbing their hands astir, she forgot about him. "Well, then let's get you ready for tonight." 

The two woman took care of Emma's hair and her make-up after the blonde woman had put on the dress. At her eyes, they used some soft colours which underlined their beauty. Her lips were slightly red - Ruby had to fight hard until Emma allowed her to put more red Emma usually wore, if she even wore it. A strand of hair was tenderly braided at the left and right side of her head. The rest of her hair was curly falling over her shoulders. A small necklace with a heart as pendant adorned her neck.

When the other two women finished their work, Emma had to turn a couple of times. "You look wonderful, Emma!" Ruby exclaimed, clapping her hands. Mary Margaret just nodded, tears in her eyes. It moved her seeing her daughter so beautiful. 

"And now I'm gonna get Snow ready. Just make sure Killian doesn't see you." Ruby said and waved Emma goodbye before she pushed Mary Margaret out of the room and closed the door.  

After a few minutes, Emma got a visit from Henry, who was also already wearing his clothes for dinner. As she saw him wearing an elegant shirt, she suddenly understood why her mother had had tears in her eyes. 

"You look beautiful, mum." Henry said with a smile as he sat down next to his mother on the bed. 

Emma smiled. "Thank you. You look elegant as well." 

"Grandpa is searching for a shirt for Killian. Poor him, he's trying them on for almost half an hour." Henry said. "I wanted to help, but Grandpa just said it was only his job to do that." 

Emma chuckled. "Oh no, poor Killian. I hope Dad has a good day - otherwise I'm sure he would bottle Killian up for the whole afternoon." 

Henry laughed. "Son-in-law and father-in-law bondning."

Immediately, Emma frowned. "Son-in-law?" Somehow, it surprised her that Henry was thinking about Killian and her as a married couple. Yes, they were already together for a long time - but Emma hadn't rewlly thought about marriage. 

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