What the.......??

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Picture of Nicole and Robyn
Nicole 's Pov

It's 14th November. The day mine and my best friends life changed.


My feet were aching. Ugh I hate walking to school. My best friend didn't complain she was striding ahead of me. Well she is taller so technically that's less to walk.

"Robyn slow down." I call to her as she is practically almost out of my eye sight. "Nicole you are so unfit" she laughs at me as I roll my eyes. "whatever" I laugh catching up with her. We walk side by side for the rest of the journey to school. We're in six form now so we can wear whatever we want as long as it follows certain guide lines. It also means more stress and work. Which unfortunately for me means more anxiety. Robyn helps me though. I don't know what I would do without her.

We have been through a lot you see. Our parents died 4 years ago. We were told it was in a car crash and nothing else. We got put into care which I was okay with but I don't think Robyn is happy. I'm not completely happy either of course. I mean who would if their parents were dead.

"school more like hell" Robyn mutters as we walk through the gates to school. I nod in agreement but hey it could be worse. "so I'll see you in science" I smile she nods and walks in the opposite direction to me as I head off to history.

History seemed to drag on forever but I sit next to one of my closest friends so it's alright. Next I have science with Robyn which is good because we have a laugh. I walk in and sit in my seat next to her. I open my folder and look at my course work. It needs updating but I keep putting it off. Sir walks in and sits down as I take out my parents that is buzzing. I look down to see a text from an unknown number.


Watch your back Nicole and Robyn


I start to feel anxious so I show Robyn that looks really confused by the text. She shakes her head "probably just a joke" she smiles reassuringly. I nod and put my phone away.

Halfway through science there's a nock at the door. Everyone peers up to see who it is. It's a man with a note he hands it to sir and exits. Sir studies the note and looks up at me and Robyn.

"Can Nicole and Robyn go down to the office please" I looked at Robyn and stood up and tucked away my chair waiting for Robyn to do the same. I walked out towards the door followed by Robyn and everyone's eyes. I opened the door and walked out.

As Robyn closed it I started to walk towards the staircase when a man appears and grabs hold of me. I try to scream but he covers my mouth shut. In the corner of my eye I can see Robyn being held by another man. She struggles trying to fight him off but it's no use. They lead us out towards a black car. They put us in the back and then sit in the front. I feel so scared. I reach out and grab Robyn's hand. She grabs it back as we turn to look at each other. Then for the first time ever I see fear in her eyes and I am shocked. Normally I am the weak one and she is the strong one. It makes me feel more nervous.

We hold hands as they drive away from school. Then I smell something really bad. Suddenly the car is full of gas. I start to feel weak and tired. The last thing I hear is a male voice "dont worry its harmless" the voice says before I fall into darkness.

I wake up in a black room. I try to move but my hands and feet are tied up. I'm so scared. I turn my head as far as I can to see a figure behind me and I know that it's Robyn.

Where are we??

I feel so scared....

I started to cry......


Guess who's back! Back again! I am back! Tell a friend! Actually tell everyone to read this book!  Me and my bestie keoni really wanted to write a book together so we did!  Each chapter will be written by one of us in turns. Go follow her xkeoni_bx whos looking forward to this book?! 

Love you all loads! 

Jess xxxx

P.s I am Nicole and keoni is Robyn! Xx

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