The nightmare

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Robyn's POV

After Alfie and Nicole came back from their 'walk' I decided to go for a run. "Guys I'm just gonna go and run for a bit," I say. "Erm are you sure it's getting dark and you know what happened last time you went off by yourself," Tristan says. "I'll be fine this time I won't be that long," I say, thinking back to when I hit my head last time I went off by myself. "Anyway even if you did come you wouldn't be able to keep up with me," I say grinning at Tristan. "Fair enough," he says grinning back at me. "See y'all in a bit," I say and I start running.

I feel a rush of wind blow through my hair. I was running so fast, it's such an amazing feeling of freedom. I haven't felt this alive ever. As I run I look to my right and see the sun nestling in the pink sky. I stop to take in my surroundings. I just don't understand why they would take us to such a beautiful place. I've never seen anything like it before.

I couldn't say how long I ran for. I never felt out of breath, I felt like I could keep running for eternity. I sit down with my legs dangling over a cliff edge. As I stare into the sky I felt content. I know I should be angry and I still am but right now I felt peace and calmness. Just as I was about to make my way back to the others I hear the faint rustling of leaves behind me. I took the riffle that I found on the floor next to the helicopters, I never took it off my belt. Who knows when I might need it again. I quickly whiz round and point the gun at where I heard the rustling.

I see Tristan but his hands up quickly in surprise. "It's just me," he says softly. "I'm so sorry I thought you were someone else," I say. "It's ok, I know," he says. "You're really fast," he says laughing, walking towards me. "I know it feels amazing it's like nothing I've ever felt before," I say. "It's like for once in my life I've felt free, even though the circumstances are bad," I say. He pulls a strand of hair out of my face. We stay there for a while, just looking at each other. "You're amazing and so beautiful, I love you so much, I mean it," he says quietly, looking into my eyes. "Aw I think ur amazing too and fit, I love you too," I say. "You think I'm fit?" He says grinning from ear to ear. "Well yeah, you are, and I'm so out of your league," I say going red a little. He just laughs and says, "I'm out of your league." Then reaches down to kiss me passionately on the lips. It was an amazing kiss, not a gentle one, a kiss of passion and love. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he wrapped his around my waist pulling me closer to him. We drew apart and I was completely out of breath. "That's the best one yet," I say leaning my forehead onto his. "Defo," he says pulling me into him for a hug.

We sat there for a while, with my head resting on his shoulder and our hands entwined with each other, as we watched the sun go down and the gazed up at the twinkling stars above us. At some point I fell asleep and Tristan had to carry me back to camp. Good job he has super strength.

I was falling, falling down and down and down. As I was falling I saw men and women sitting watching me with clipboards in a glass building. They all had puzzled looks on their faces. I tried to shout at them to help me but no noise came out. I looked up and saw Tyler, Alfie, Nicole and Tristan all looking down at me. I tried to shout at them to help me, still no words came out. They all stood their, shaking their heads at me in shame. I began to cry, I screamed and shouted but no noise came out of me. Then I heard Tristan's voice echo coldly in my ears, "How could you do this to us?" "Why Robyn, why did you do this?" I hear Nicole say. "It's all your fault," I hear Tyler say. "I never liked you anyway," I hear Alfie say. "M-m-make it a-s-stop," I try to say covering my ears. Their voices consume my ears echoing in every corner of my mind. "MAKE IT STOP," I shout.

"ROBYN, ROBYN WAKE UP," I hear Tristan say. I wake up breathing really fast, my head throbbing with pain. I scream and start to shuffle away from him. "Robyn calm down, calm down," I hear him say. I just shake my head. "," I whisper, with tears streaming down my face. I look around and see everyone looking at me in fear. I feel beads of sweet trickling down my head. I instantly just start to cry even more. Tristan pulls me into him and holds me tight and cradles me. It's ok you're ok, it's ok, I'm here,
I'm here," he says shushing me. "What happened?" I manage to say. "Well we all woke up to you thrashing about on the ground, we tried and tried to wake you up but nothing was working," Nicole says, tear stains in her eyes. "We thought you weren't going to wake up so I went to get water from the stream," Tyler says. "I was about to splash it on your face until you sat up bolt right," Alfie says. "All we could hear was you screaming 'make it stop!' and 'help me please'," Tristan says. "We thought you wouldn't wake up," he says quietly. I can see him shaking, it obviously scared him as well. It scared all of them. I pulled him closer to me, "I'm ok now," I whisper and he nods as I rub his arm.

"I had a nightmare, I was falling and I could see men and women on either side of me watching me in some kind of glass building. They had clip boards and were all looking at me with puzzled looks. Then I looked up and saw you 4 staring at me. I tried to ask you to help me but no noise came out, it was like my voice was gone. Then I heard you all speak to me, asking me things like 'why did you do this?' and 'it's all your fault.' It just got too much, I could hear your voices echo inside my mind over and over again," I say, shaking, reliving the nightmare over again.

I see Nicole put her hand over her mouth and tears began to roll down her cheek. She comes over and pulls me into a hug. We would never say anything like that to you in real life, you know that don't you?" She says. "Of course," I say hugging her back. Tristan looks at me and says, "I wouldn't say or do anything to hurt you." "I know," I say softly and gently kiss him. "We are just glad you're ok," Tyler says as he walks over and puts his hand on my shoulder. I give him a weak smile. I then see him glance over to Alfie and look at him in a weird way.

There's defiantly something weird going on with Tyler at the moment. Alfie gives me a smile and I return it. I see him pull Nicole into him and kiss her on the head. I manage to sit up and drink some water. I don't understand. I never have nightmares. Well never ones like this. This one was different it felt real, it felt like it was actually happening. We sit around all day. I don't think anyone can be bothered to figure out another plan after what happened.

Every time I tried to get some rest I would hear their voices from the dream in my head. Every time I closed my eyes I just saw all 4 of their faces looking down on me. After I slept for a bit I would wake up screaming again. Tristan had to calm me down each time. I felt really bad I know he needs sleep as much as I do. It felt better though with him there. I felt safer when I lay with his arms wrapped around me. "I promised I would protect you," he whispers to me. "Well you're doing a really good job, I feel more calm when I'm with you," I say. "I love you," he says kissing me on the lips. "I love you more," I say. "I love you most," he says looking into my eyes.

When I couldn't sleep I tried to practice disappearing to keep my mind off my nightmare. Let's just say it takes a lot of concentration. Tristan helped me a lot. After trying for a while I saw Tyler sneak off into the trees. Without telling anyone else I followed him. "Tyler," I say looking around for him. Ok I'm starting to get a little freaked out now, he's literally gone. "Tyler," I shout a little louder.

"I know what your dream was about Robyn," he says. I turn around and see him staring at me. "W..what?" I ask. He walks closer to me. I take a few steps back. "Tyler what's going on this isn't like you," I say creeped out.

He looks at me creepily with his emerald green eyes.

"You're going to betray us," he says viciously.

Ooooooo Tyler is acting weird🤔 remember to vote. See you guys in the next update.

Love y'all

Keoni xxxxx

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