Big Brother

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Nicole's POV

"I'm not letting them kill you" I shout at Alfie. We were arguing because of what Jacob had just told us. "Yeah but that way you'll be safe" Alfie shouts back. "Alfie I can't live without you" I shout back collapsing into his arms. "Little one" he says softly running his hand up and down my back. "I'll protect you" I say nestling my head on his chest. He gently laughs "I think I'll need to protect you seeing as they are going to take your soul" Alfie says. I pull away from him. "I don't like arguing" I say with my pouty face. He nods "me either".

I hear someone cough from behind us. I turn around to see Jacob. "Do you mind getting off my little sister?" He says to Alfie. Alfie stands there shocked. I roll my eyes. "Jacob this is Alfie my boyfriend. Alfie this is Jacob my older brother" I say using hand gestures. Jacob raises his eyebrows. He stands face to face with Alfie. "You better look after her" Jacob says. I see Alfie gulp hard before nodding "I will" he says. I laugh and go and stand in between them. 

"He has looked after me" I say wrapping my arm around Alfie's waist so I'm standing on his side. "Good" Jacob says nodding. I give him a small smile. "Right" he claps his hands together "let's get out of here". I nod in agreement. "Hey bro do you have powers" I ask curious. He nods "I have the same ones as you plus one more" he says. I nod.

Alfie turns to face me while the others are talking about where to find the helicopters and that stuff. "Big brothers" he sighs. I giggle and wrap my arms around his neck. "Should we make out just to annoy him" I ask Alfie. Alfie smirks "well you do look super hot right now". I open my mouth wide in shock. "Naughty" I tease.

He smirks before leaning down and placing his lips on mine. I smile into the kiss and wrap my arms around his neck tighter. He picks me up so that I can wrap my legs around his waist. All the time our lips don't leave the others. His hands slide up my back until he reaches my bra. He goes to undo it but I pull away. "Alfie" I gasp. He pouts his lips in a super cute way. "Nicole" he whines. I give him an evil look and slide back to down to the floor.

I walk over to the others and stand next to Robyn. "Have you finishes making out now" she laughs making Tristan and Tyler laugh too. I slap her arm playfully and roll my eyes. Alfie walks up to behind me and wraps his arms around me and puts his chin on the top of my head. I lean back into him feeling safe. Jacob stares at us from across the room. He sees me and smiles so I smile back.

"Well I don't know about you but I'm feeling super tired" Robyn yawns making me yawn too. I nod at her. Jacob jumps to his feet. "Follow me I know where we can sleep" he says. Tyler gives him a weird look "how do we know we can trust you" he says. Jacob looks at him confused "he's my brother" I say going over to Jacob and hugging him. "Lets hi I'm super tired" I sigh pulling out of mine and Jacobs hug. It feels so nice to have a brother. "Okay but we have to be careful incase they see you" he says.

We follow him out and he leads us down a damp corridor. He gets to a door as takes out a key. He unlocks the door and pushes it open. Inside is a bed and a couch, a wooden table and two wooden chairs, a cupboard, curtains and a small TV. "This is my room" Jacob says gesturing to the room. I smile. I walk up to him and give him a quick hug "thank you" I squeal running inside and jumping onto the bed. "Oh my gosh I haven't been on a bed in ages" I squeal curling into a ball on top of it. Robyn laughs and then lands next to me. "Sharesies?" She asks. I nod "Sharesies!" We squeal and hug each other laughing. It's the most fun I've had in ages. All because of a bed.

"Girls are so weird" I hear Tristan mutter. I giggle and sit up on the bed. "Why can't we share?" Alfie asks me pulling a cute sad face. I giggle and shake my head. "Ah you see I'm with my girlfriend so.." I laugh gesturing to Robyn. She laughs and nods. Alfie rolls his eyes and walks over to the couch. "I call dibs!" He cries out. I look up to see Jacob standing in the doorway watching us. "Anyway I'll leave you here I need to go get some work done and need to steel the keys for the helicopter for you guys" he says walking away closing the door behind him.

"Great I get the floor" Tristan mutters sitting down on the floor. It was carpeted and wasn't hard. I grab one of the pillows from the bed and throw it to him. "Thanks" he calls to me. I giggle lying down next to Robyn. She's already practically asleep. I look up spotting Tyler standing in the corner. I push myself up and walk over to him.

"Thanks for saving me" he says. I nod "anytime". He looks at me and pushes a strand of my hair back behind my ear. "Guess I'll never get you" he sighs looking me in the eyes. I sigh reaching up and running my hand through his hair. "You get me as a best friend" I smile. He smiles back. "Now go to sleep" he says pushing me gently towards the bed. "What about you" I ask him. "I'm not tired I'll just sit on one of the chairs" he replies. I nod.

I sink into the bed pulling the covers over me. I think to myself for a while. My life is so messed up. I got kidnapped. Got cloned. Found out I had super powers. Fought a group of men. But then at the same time I got an amazing boyfriend, made new friends, learnt how strong I was and  found my twin brother (who is older by like 10 minutes).

"Nicole" someone whispers I turn around to see Alfie. I give him a questioning look. "I couldn't sleep without you" he says. I smile "why are you so cute?" I giggle sliding off the bed. I watch Alfie sit on the sofa and open his arms wide for me. I smile. I bend down and shake Tristan. He murmurs before opening his eyes. "Beds all yours" I say leaving him to decide. I push myself up and walk over to Alfie. I lie down and rest my head in his lap. "Much better" he whispers to me making me smile. I leaned up and gave him a small kiss. "Get some sleep he'll be back in like 2 hours" Alfie says gently wrapping his arms around me. I nod and gently drift into a much needed sleep.

Before all the chaos happens...

Yay another chapter!! I'm loving it!!

Love you all

Jess xxx

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