Finding Alfie

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Robyn's POV
"Alfie!" I shouted. "Come on Alfie!" I say again. I see Tristan sitting on a rock with his head in his hands. I walk over to him and put my arm over his shoulders. "We will find him I promise," I say. He looks up at me, his eyes deep with fear and anger. "How can you be so positive all the time?" He asks. "Well if I wasn't we would all be dead by now," I say.

"Can I ask you something?" He says. "Yeah sure." I reply.  How did it feel when you thought Nicole was dead back in that room?" He said quietly. I sat down next to him, thinking back to it. "Well nothing has never really happened to me like this before and I couldn't bear to lose her coz, she's my best friend and the only person I cared about and, I know how bad her anxiety can get and if I'm not there to help then it's all my fault, coz I know how to calm her down. I'm meant to protect her, but sometimes I get so scared and I'm meant to be the strong one, I just felt like I was letting her down," I say crying through every word.

Tristan dragged me into his arms and held me tight. I cried and cried into his chest soaking him with my tears. "I'm so sorry I shouldn't of asked," he said upsettingly. "No it's ok," I say still sobbing. "You are the most bravest and strongest person I have ever met," he said looking deeply into my eyes. "Really coz right now I don't feel strong at all," I say.

"Even the strongest person in the world I'm sure, would cry if someone they loved was taken away," he said. "Yeah I guess so," I say. "Why do you like me so much," I say. "Because seriously I can be really annoying and I'm sarcastic all the time and I eat a lot and I bite my nails and I have an obsession with movies and I laugh really loud in the cinema and...." Before I could say anymore I found his lips collide with mine, a rush of happiness swelled up inside me I felt instantly calm. We broke away slightly out of breath. "That was a really nice way of telling me to shut up ," I say laughing. He just sits there holding me and smiles back. "You are like no one I've ever met and that's what I love about you," he says. "Great answer, right back at cha!" I say. We sit there for a while together, then I ask "So tell me more about you then."

Tristan's POV
"Well my parents died 10 years ago and that's when things kinda fell apart,I started shutting everyone out of my life. When I was taken into foster care no one really wanted me. I can't count how many times I was moved around because I didn't get on well with the other kids or the parents didn't like me. When I went to school and found
Alfie, we understood each other coz he went through similar things to me. We have been best friends every since," I say, out of breath.

Is all she can say. "I didn't think it would be hard for anyone else like it was for me," she says star struck. "I guess I thought I just had it worse than everyone else," she said.

"I mean, of course it was absolutely terrible that Nicole's parents died but when she was taken to foster homes, they really liked her because she's kind and she wasn't afraid to talk about her feelings," I can see tears welling up in her eyes. "I shut all my emotions inside, I never wanted to talk about what happened because the memories would just come flooding back. And I guess nobody really wanted me because I was, I don't know, annoying or something, but I never really talked to anyone. I would just sit up in my room so I never knew why I wasn't wanted but, I guessed it was probably because they were too afraid to get to know me." She said.

I suddenly felt an urge to hug her. I don't understand why anyone wouldn't of wanted her. I pulled her in close to me, she was shaking but I knew she didn't want to cry anymore. "Hey hey it's ok," I whisper rubbing her back. "I....I....just I don't know why I'm like this," she said. "We have been kidnapped by strange people and we have no idea why we are here, I understand," I say looking at her. I pull her closer to me and press my lips on hers. She wraps her arms round me even more. We break away and she says. "You have no idea what I would do for a Maccies right now," I laugh.

She is awesome! I look at her with admiration. She is so beautiful and strong I'm so glad I found someone like her. Really cheesy I know but I need someone to talk to. I mean of course I can talk to Alfie it's just I never told him all about foster care. It's nice to talk to Robyn about this. She understands because she went through really tough times too.

Robyn's POV
I've never really opened up that much to anymore before. Especially a boy! But Tristan is special, he's just right for me. Quite weird I found him here though giving the circumstances, and we like each other. What a coincidence that I'd pick a guy who I got kidnapped with.

We decided we really should be looking for Nicole and Alfie, so we walked around for a long time still shouting there names. Just as we were walking up that massive hill towards the stream, I heard a deafening scream that pierced my ears.


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