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Nicole's Pov

I lie in Alfie's arms. I couldn't get to sleep. I listen to Robyn and Tylers convesation. I wonder what happened. I can hear Alfie gently snoring behind me and I giggle. How do I tell him though? I need to tell him. I sigh. Then without warning the alarm goes off. I feel my heart sink. Not another one.

The voice goes and we all look at each other. "hallucinations!" Robyn says. Alfie pulls me closer and I snuggle into him. "when?" I ask. Before anyone can answer men surround us with guns.

"they are tranquilisers they won't kill you" one says. I don't let go of Alfie. He covers my body with his. They start firing at us and I see Tristan drop to the ground followed by Robyn. Tyler drops. Im next I fall and hit my head going into blackness....

Nicole's hallucination

I wake up a bit dizzy. I try to move but something is blocking me. I open my eyes wide to see I'm in a blank room in a cage. Im on my knees and can only move slightly. I cant deal with this. It's too small. I feel claustrophobic and start to panic. I try to move but it's hopeless. "HELP LET ME OUT" I scream but no one is there. I feel the tears fall down my cheeks wetting my top. Panic takes over my whole body and I have a panic attack. I don't know what's going on around me and I'm glued to the spot. My throat feels tight and I'm struggling to breath. They have cracked me. I pant for air when I feel my body calming. The only door in the room creeks open. I look up to see Alfie. "help" I whisper. He nods and opens the cage so I crawl out. "Alfie I'm so glad you found me" I say hugging him. "get off me you slut" he growls pushing me down to the floor. "wh...what" I say confused. He slaps me hard across the face. "shut up" he snaps at me so I close my mouth. He punches me over and over in my stomach until the pain is unbareable. I throw up all over the floor from pain. He slaps me hard. He keeps going until my entire body is covered in bruises. I crawl away slowly when he stops. Put someone else picks me up I struggle but they pick me up and hold me. Alfie walks over with a knife and slashes it across my cheek and arms. Blood falls to the floor around me. The man drops me and I see that it was Tristan. They walk out leaving me alone. I curl up into a ball. In pain, I scream...

Alfies hallucination

I wake up in a soft bed. I look up at the walls and realise I'm at home. Ha some weird dream I had about being in a forest with Tristan. I shake my head and get up. I walk downstairs to see my parents. "hi" I say. They look at me with stern looks. "we are so disappointed in you" my dad snarls at me. I look at them confused. Huh? "how did we end up with a son like you" my mum spits at me. I feel my heart sink. "what" I say quietly. My dad walks up to me and grabs me by my collar lofting me up off the ground. "idiot" he shouts in my face dropping me to the ground. He kicks me hard in the stomach. "stupid" he mutters kicking me again. I look at my mum but she stands there looking at me with no emotion. They look at each other and leave. I hear the door behind me close and lock. Great I'm locked in. I stand up wincing in pain. I grab something and throw it at the wall in anger and frustration. My parents hate me. I'm so confused. I scream out in frustration...

Tylers hallucination

I wake up to my little sister opening my bedroom door. "you said you would take me out" she says looking at me with hopeful eyes. I nod and get up to get ready to go out with her. We walk down streets together towards the shop she wanted to go to. We are suddenly walking down a dark streat that looks deserted. "Tyler where are we?" my little sister asks and I shrug slightly paniced and scared. We walk a little quicker. A man jumps out from nowhere and grabs my little sister. I try to run over to help but someone is holding me back. I watch in horror as he pulls out a gun and puts it against her head. I struggle trying to get free. I need to help her. She's all I've got left. I hear the horrible sound of the trigger being pulled and a scream escape from her lips as she falls to the ground. I get released from the persons grasp and notice the man has disappeared. I run over to my sisters side to see her dead body surrounded by a pool of blood. I collapse to my knees and cry. I tried to help her. I couldn't and now she's dead. I scream out in pain...

Robyn's hallucination

I wake up in a dark room tied to a chair. Across from me is two other people tied to chairs. They have bags over their heads so I can't see who it is. I struggle to get out but metal chains stop me. Three men walk in and position themselves around each one of us. The first man pulls the bag off the first persons head. I look to see Nicole gasping for air. She sees me and mouths 'help' at me. The next man pulls off the other bag from the next persons head and it reveals Tristan. He looks at both of us and gives me a small smile. The man behind me ties me tighter to the chair. I stay still. The men infront of me pull knifes from their pockets. I watch in horror as they start to attack Nicole and Tristan. "Noo" I scream trying to get up to help them. I'm trying to pull my arms out of the chains, I have red rings around my wrist from how hard they have been tightened, but it's no use. They hit both of them over and other. Tristan struggles trying to get out and Nicole sits there crying. The men take the knifes and slash across their body's. Nicole screams in pain. I sit hopelessly watching them be tortured. Then thry take out a gun and shoot Nicole I watch as her head falls and she's silent. "Nooo Nicole!" I scream but she's gone. I cry and cry and cry. Tristan sits there looking down. "Please no not him as well," I beg. Then another gun shot and he's gone too. I cry louder looking at both of them. Dead. "monsters" I shout at the men. I'm shaking uncontrollably now with tears running down my face. "No.... no," I say quietly. I feel someone punch me hard and pain shooting through my body. "Robyn" two people say in unison. I look up and see Nicole and Tristan however I look behind them and their dead bodies are still there. I shake my head. They say my name over and over. Getting louder. Until I can't take it anymore. In sadness and frustration, I scream and scream covering my ears.....

Tristan's hallucination

I wake up in the back of a taxi. "we are here" the driver says and I nod. I pay him and jump out. I'm finally home after being trapped on those woods. I open the front door and smile. "I'm home" I shout hoping someone is there. "just one second" I hear a woman's voice call that I think is my sisters. I hear light footsteps come down the stairs and see my sister. I smile at her. "hi sis" I say. She looks at me like I'm mental. "Erm.." she says backing away slightly. "wh...who..are you " she asks looking at me confused. "what" I say now the one confused. She shakes her head. "I don't know who you are" she says and I can hear a sense of panic in her voice. I then hear louder footsteps and see my older brother walk into where we are standing. "who's this?" he asks Lauren, my little sister, staring at me. I look at him. "you're joking" I say to both of them but they just shake their heads. "it's me Tristan, your brother" I say to them. "Lauren, Jamie" I look at both of them pleading that they remember me surely. "I don't know you!" Lauren screams sounding scared. Jamie wraps an arm around her shoulders pulling her into him protecting her. "listen we don't know who you are so can you just leave" he snarls at me. "but.." I say feeling desperate and worried. "Leave" jamie snaps. I back out of the front door feeling scared. Jamie slams the door and I feel a tear slide down my cheek. They don't remember me. They are all I have left but they can't remember me. I walk over to a bench and sink down into it putting my head in my hands. What am I going to do? I'm alone with nowhere to go. I scream letting out all of my emotions...

Nicole's Pov

I wake up in beads of sweat. I feel my arms. No cuts. I'm back in the forest surrounded by Tristan, Robyn, Alfie and Tyler. I back away from them. Everyone else wakes up after one by one. Everyone looks panicy and on edge. What just happened?!

Omg guys 1640 words! I hope you read it all cos it will come in handy later on!! 

Love you!

Jess xxx

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