First fight

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Robyn's POV

Well that was an eventful day! I have never killed a wolf before. It was...... AWESOME!! I know Nicole didn't like it but I couldn't just let it kill her could I? And where on earth did they even get wolves from? I'm pretty sure they weren't there when we got there and I doubt they had a room just full of wolves either. Everything still remained a mystery.

I woke up with a really sore back. Sleeping on the ground was really uncomfortable. I stood up and started stretching it out like I would normally do after cheer if I was sore. Tristan sat up and looked at me with his eyes half closed. "Erm Robyn what are you doing," he asked still half asleep. "Just stretching my back out," I say. "Why," he asks. "Because my back hurts from sleeping on the ground, so I'm stretching it out like I would normally do," I explain.

"Wait so you normally sleep on the ground so you have to stretch your back out often?" He says looking really confused. "No," I say laughing. "I do cheerleading so I normally have a sore back or shoulders after I do it," I say. "You do cheerleading? I thought that was like Pom poms and stuff?" He says.

I felt anger boil up inside me. I hate it when people think I use Pom poms and dance on the side lines of a football game. It's stereotypical. What I do is so much more. Seeing my anger boiling up he walks over to me "Robyn are you ok?" "No, we don't use pom poms actually we throw girls up in the air and catch them. Usually I get all the bruises if they fall. We don't just sit on the side lines. We rule the blue mat. We are a family and we work so hard to get our stunts to hit. So, that's what cheerleading is!" I say angrily and stomp off.

Tristan's POV

Woah I have no idea what just happened!! Why was she so mad I didn't know that she meant that type of cheerleading. I have no idea why she got so defensive either? Maybe I should just leave her alone for a bit. I didn't mean to make her angry like that I was just asking. Why do girls have to be so complicated?!

I just sat there for a while until Alfie and Nicole eventually woke up. "Morning," Alfie said groggily. "Where's Robyn?" Nicole asked nervously. "Erm she's just other there," I say pointing to a rock which Robyn was sitting on. "You guys have a fight or something?" Alfie asked. "No it wasn't really a fight, she told me that she did cheerleading and I said oh the thing with the Pom Poms and stuff and she got all defensive," I say. "Oh Tristan why did you have to say that?" Nicole blurted out at me. "What so this is my fault?!" I say getting annoyed. "No, sorry I didn't mean to say it like that it's just Robyn gets really defensive when people think she does Pom Pom cheerleading," Nicole explains. I don't reply. "I'll go and talk to her," she says, putting her hand on my shoulder as she walks past.

Robyn's POV

I went over and sat down on a rock. I could feel Tristan's eyes looking at me. I know I shouldn't have got angry at him but I just hate it when people say that. Just as I was thinking about a competition we were meant to be competing at before I went missing, Nicole came over and sat next to me.

"Hey are you ok?" She asks gently. "I don't know," I whisper. "You know and I know how amazing you are at cheerleading," she says. "And Tristan just didn't understand because they probably have cheerleaders that use Pom poms and stuff for football matches at his school," she says. "I'm not really mad about that, it's more that I hate this place we are in and I just wanna go home and I'm not a sissy cheerleader that plays with Pom poms," I say. "I know you're not, and I don't think Tristan will either if you go and talk to him," she says. "But what if he's really mad at me?" I ask. "He won't be, he really likes you," she says.

I give her hug. "Thank you," I say. "We got to stick together through this ok?" She says. "Yep defo," I say back. We stand up and walk back over. "Me and Alfie will give you guys some space," she says and walks away taking a confused Alfie with her.

"Hey I'm really sorry about before I didn't know what you meant by cheerleading, and I kind of guessed when I said it I shouldn't have,I should know by now that I shouldn't mess with you seeing as you killed a wolf," Tristan says. I'm stunned. He's actually apologising when I was the one who was wrong. I look at him smiling ear to ear.

I run over to him and hug him so hard he falls to the ground. "Woah," he says before falling back. "I'm so sorry I shouldn't of snapped at you like that I knew you didn't mean to upset me I just get really defensive when people think that's all we do when actually we do so much more, also I hate this place we are in and I just wanna go home," I say. He looks up at me and pushes a strand of hair out of my face. He leans up and presses his lips against mine, we stay there for a while and draw apart when we are out of breath. "Robyn, I love you," he says. "I love you too," I say looking into his crystalline blue eyes.

Alfie and Nicole come back. "Everything's fine," I say. "Good," Nicole says and gives me a wink. We all sit down and chat for a while. It was really nice. It's like we had no trouble in the world. We were still trying to come up with a plan to escape, but nothings really working.

Suddenly, we heard the siren again. "Oh no what this time," I ask annoyed. I see Nicole snuggle up to Alfie. She looks really scared. "Robyn, please if it's wolves again can you not kill one when I'm looking please," she says. I grin and so does Tristan. "I promise I won't," I say.

Just as I was about to sit down I hear a loud snap of a branch. I instantly stand up again, all of my senses on alert. "Nobody move," I say. I tiptoe over to where I heard the snap. "Robyn," Tristan says grabbing my hand "Please be careful," he pleads. "I will," I say. I walk over to a big oak tree. I can hear breathing coming from behind it. I find myself come face to face with a massive, towering beast.

A bear.

Oooooo Robyn getting a little feisty there😂 next update will tomorrow!!!

Love y'all
Keoni xxx

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