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Robyn's POV

It was dark. Really dark. Too dark. I was cramped in a small space, in a hole somewhere. I started to panic, I kept thinking about the nightmare, and this time I didn't have Tristan to hold me and calm me down. "T-t-t-Tristan h-h-help p-p-p-please," I whisper. I was completely covered in dirt and my legs were bleeding. I pull my knees up to my chest and hug them as I lean my head into them. Hoping that someone will come to help me.

Tristan's POV

It had been a while since Alfie went to find Nicole. And also I had no idea where Robyn was either. "Hey I think we should go and look for them, they've been gone for ages," I suggest to Tyler. "Nah I'm sure they'll be fine," Tyler says submissively. "Well I'm going to look for them with or without you," I say, slightly annoyed. "Fine," he says not looking up. I sigh and walk off to find them.

Alfie's POV

We had been trapped in this hole for a while now. Nicole started shivering so I pulled her closer to me trying to warm her up. "It's ok little one, I'll get us out," I say. I looked up and heard a small rustle of leaves. "Yes they are in," I hear a girls voice say. "No there's no chance they're getting out of that," I hear her say smirking as she walked away. It's probably Robyn that traitor. I stood up and reached up to grab a root embedded in the soil. I tugged on it and it seemed strong enough to hold my weight.

"Nicole can you grab onto this?" I ask her gently. "Uh huh I think so," she says. I help her to grab on and boost her up so her head pops out of the hole. She pulls herself up and I follow after her. "Right now we need to Tristan and Tyler and tell them what happened,?" I say as I turn around and see Tristan standing there.

"Are you guys ok I was getting worried," he said. "Yeah we are fine now but we have something to tell you," I say. "Wait where's Robyn? I thought she was with you?" He says. "That's what we have to talk to you about," I say slowly. "She betrayed us," I say. "Alfie, we don't know that for sure," Nicole says quietly. "What's more to know she pushed us down the hole," I say. "No, no she wouldn't do something like that," Tristan says shaking his head. "I'm not 100% sure it was her but I saw her face and it looked like her," Nicole says nervously.

"I don't care what you saw, that is not the Robyn I know, and I'm going to find her with or without you!" He says angrily. "Where's Tyler?" Nicole asks. "Back at the camp, there's definitely something the matter with him," he says. "Yeah there is," I say confidently. I see Nicole look at me weirdly then look away.

Tristan's POV

I can't believe they would think that it was actually Robyn who did that. Either they were mistaken or someone made her do it. I know she wouldn't do anything like that. I'm really surprised at Nicole! She is her best friend. She's known Robyn the longest, she knows she wouldn't do anything like that. Nicole knows it's not her I can see it in her eyes.

I know there is something up with Tyler though. Anyway I can't think about that now I need to find Robyn before something bad happens. I start making my way past the hole they fell down up to a big tree. I looked around and saw a pen knife lying on the floor. It's Robyn's! The one her parents left her. I start to panic now, what if they've hurt her. I start breathing really fast, my heart is beating out of my chest. "Calm down, calm down you can find her," I think to myself.

I took another look at the tree. It seemed too big to not be man made. I took the pen knife and slashed a hole across the tree. I tore the bark away and looked inside. Another hole. There must be a network of holes from trees that form something. I turn around and see that Alfie and Nicole followed me holding hands. "I don't care what you say about her betraying us, I'm going to find her!" I say before jumping down the tree. I landed with a massive thud. It was dusty and dirty I coughed and waved my hands about to get the dust out of my face.

"Robyn?" I say quietly, just in case there are people down here. I heard a very faint noise coming from a little tunnel on my right. "Robyn," I say, a bit louder this time. "H-h-h-here," I hear a small voice say. "ROBYN!" I shout, as I run through the tunnel and see her lying down with her hands chained to the wall. "T-t-Tristan," she says sitting up. I run over and pull her into me and kissed her head. "I knew it, I knew you didn't do it," I say, feeling so relieved.

Robyn's POV

I was so happy to see him, I had been trapped down here for ages. I had cuts and bruises all over me. I was shivering so much, I buried myself into him more. "Robyn you're so cold what happened?" He says anxiously. "T-t-Tristan," I say holding onto him. "I'm here, I'm here," I hear him say. "I was taken in the night and they threw me down here," I say. "Oh no," I say realising what was going to happen. "Tristan you need to go now!" I say urgently. "No, no way I'm never leaving you again," he says firmly.

"No you don't understand if they find out you found me they'll kill you," I say still shaking. "I don't care I'm not leaving you down here, look your hurt, they tortured you didn't they?" He says angrily. I nod, looking at my beaten legs and arms with bruises running along them. "That's it! I'm going to kill them!" He says angrily. "No Tristan please go, you can't stay here I can't watch you die like I did in my hallucination," I say pleading.

He looks at me with his crystalline blue eyes and pulls me into him and kisses me. "I promised I would protect you and that's what I'm going to do," he says. "No please, please I can't watch you die you don't know what they're capable of," I say crying. "Well let's escape then," he says. "I can't I've tried they have chained me too tight," I say. "Wait what's that," I say looking in Tristan's pocket. "Oh it's your pen knife I found it on the floor," he says passing it to me. "I wonder," I mutter.

I slice the pen knife across the chains and they instantly fall off me. "I knew there was something special about it!" I say. "Ok let's get out of here," he says walking off. "Erm Tristan a little help please," I say pointing at my injured legs. "Oh yeah sorry," he says before picking me up. "My hero," I whisper in his ear and kiss him on the cheek. He turns to look at me and grins.

When we got out the sun was beating down on us. Tristan gently put me down and I stood up leaning into him for support and he wrapped his arms around me. Being in a dark hole for so long meant my eyes had to get used to the sunlight. "Robyn?" I hear Nicole say. "ROBYN!" She says, and runs over to me giving me a hug. "I'm so sorry for thinking it was you," she says. "What? What happened?" I say, worried. "Well after you were taken someone who looked exactly like you came in the middle of the night and they told me to follow them, then they pushed me down a hole," she says. "They did the same with Alfie," she says.

"Oh no," I say. "What?" Tristan says. "He said this would happen, he said I would betray you," I say shaking. "Who, who said that?" Tristan says rubbing my back, still holding onto me.

"Tyler," I say, scared.

Another long chapter for you guys😂 don't forget to vote and we will see you in the next update.

Love y'all

Keoni xxxx

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