Chapter Two

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Author's Note: would love to know what you guys think! This was originally what I was going to have for chapter one, but I decided to do a little introduction for my character instead. This is where it gets good. I'm very proud of this haha 😊❤️️ please vote and give feedback!!

WARNING: lots of smutty goodness

A few days had passed since our small cuddle session, with little to no communication with each other; Negan had been out doing his runs, never making it back in time, as I was usually fast asleep by the time he came to the room. He didn't seem to mind it though, not complaining when I woke up this morning, something I was grateful for. That's why, later that evening, I took it upon myself to surprise him. A surprise he graciously accepted, a spew of curse words and groans filling the room as I teased him with my mouth.

"Well...aren't you being a good little girl," Negan praised lightly as I licked the cum from my lips, swallowing the rest with a grin, and he groaned as I then continued to stroke. I enjoyed the raspy breaths, and the way his knees went weak....the way he'd groan my name from such a small touch as this. "Fuck, princess. I think you just earned a reward," he announced through struggled pants, and my grin widened in excitement. "What do you want me to do?" he asked as he met my gaze, and I chewed at the inside of my cheek as I thought it over, speaking out when one thing came to mind.

"Oh god, Negan, I'd love-" He held his finger up, and I immediately new my mistake as he narrowed his eyes; without thinking, I had used his real name, something only permitted outside the bedroom. "Robin," he started to say, his tone menacing and laced with an exotic danger as his fingers wrapped around my neck, giving it a light squeeze. "That was very naughty." Negan growled darkly as he bent down at the waist, his eyes piercing through me as he pressed his forehead to mine.

"You know what this means, don't you?" I nodded in response to his question, gulping nervously, the action almost choking me due to his grip. "Stand." he ordered gruffly, and I quickly obeyed, knowing the punishment would be much worse had I not. His eyes roamed over my face as he bite his lower lip in thought, every move twisting my stomach in knots. "Do I need to use the paddle this time....or maybe give Lucille a turn to play?" he added the last part in a teasing manner, and I shivered at the thought of him touching my most private parts with his bat. He grabbed both my arms, spinning me around roughly so my back was now against his chest as he buried his face in the crook of my neck. "God, I just cannot wait to fuck you princess." he groaned out, the warmth of his breath causing goosebumps to spread over my pale skin.

I let out a soft whimper at the sensation, and he lifted his head before pushing my top half onto the bed roughly, and I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy it. "I guess I'll go easy on you...use my hand this time." he mumbled, though it seemed more to himself than me as he raised his hand. I cried out when his hand made contact, hitting my backside harder than usual, almost knocking the air completely out of my lungs as I gasped. "What do you call me?" Negan snarled as he brought his hand down a second time, and I winced. "D- daddy!" I breathed out shakily as my legs trembled weakly, and he rubbed my right ass cheek soothingly before smacking again. "And?" Soaking through the fabric of my underwear, I let out a soft, pleasure filled whine as I tried to speak.

"And sir..and sir." I whimpered out finally, and the spankings stopped as he leaned over me, placing light kisses across my back with a husky groan. "'re so fun to play with, baby girl." I let out a shaky breath as he straightened back up, moving to get something out of the nightstand's drawer before returning, two of his fingers dipping under the waistband of my underwear. "I guess you've been punished enough. Plus, I don't know how much longer I can wait-- my dick is throbbing." he admitted with a chuckle as he pulled the fabric down, and I heard the familiar tear of a condom packet. There was shuffled movement as he adjusted himself, and after a quick pause I felt the cold tip of his length press against my entrance, his large hands gripping my waist as he slammed into me with a groan. I gasped loudly, arching my backside so he'd hit deeper, moaning in pleasure as he rubbed against my spot. "Oh wow, you were really soaked this time," he teased playfully as I moaned, smiling a little before biting my lip whimpering. "Say it." Negan growled out the command, and I let out a loud moan. "Y- yes daddy! So wet...oh god, so wet." I began to pant and squirm, each thrust harder than the last as he groaned my name loudly, picking up his pace. I could feel my walls tightening around his large length as my orgasm drew nearer, moaning loudly and begging for more, which he happily gave as he pounded into me at a merciless pace. "Please daddy...let me cum," I begged through panted breaths, not sure how much longer I could hold it as his hips smacked against my ass. He grunted, reaching up to slide his middle and forefinger into my mouth, telling me to suck as he rolled his hips. I moaned as I soaked his fingers in saliva, sucking in rhythm with his thrusts, and he groaned when our eyes connected letting out a shaky breath. "Cum for me princess." he groaned out a few minutes later, and I instantly obeyed, my climax causing my body to shake from the pleasure. It was three thrusts later that he followed suit, grunting out a soft 'fuck' as he rode out his high. His movements slowed, and eventually can to a stop as he gently rubbed my back, mumbling 'so good' before pulling out of me. I winced at the loss of connection, and I moved to climb on the bed as he disposed of the condom, but he quickly stopped me. "Hang on," he spoke out softly as he came back, and he wrapped an arm around my back as the other cradled just under my thighs, lifting me up into his arms effortlessly. He stepped around, carrying me to the head of the bed where he set me down, and I was about to complain when he laid down behind me. He snaked an arm around my waist, pulling me flush against him with a content sigh, and he kissed up my neck slowly stopping below my ear. "Sleep baby girl... I'm gonna fuck you again in the morning." he whispered in my ear before kissing my cheek, and I shivered, slowly letting my eyes drift closed.

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