Chapter Three

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He wasn't there when I woke up the next morning, the bed cold and lonely as I let out a soft sigh, rubbing my eyes as I pushed myself up into a sitting position. I shouldn't have been upset, he did this all the time...I was used to it, but my heart still sank when I realized he wasn't next to me. I looked around the small room, still dazed from sleep and vision blurry as I yawned. The door creaked open, and I quickly covered my bare chest as I turned my attention to Dwight as he entered. When he saw me he quickly looked down, clearing his throats as he moved to the dresser, pulling out some clean clothes. "Negan wants you to come meet him," he informed softly as he held the clothes out to me, and I quickly took them and got dressed, his eyes not once leaving the floor. "Okay. Lead the way." I motioned towards the door once completely dressed, using my fingers to brush out my hair as I followed him out of the room to where Negan was waiting.

He led me in silence, the air between us growing awkward as I looked around the gloomy hallway, light seeping through as he pushed open one of the many exits. I squinted as the brightness stung my eyes at first, and he stepped back to let me go first down the cement stairs. I walked passed him, not really paying attention to where I was going as I missed a step, and if wasn't for Dwight catching me, I would have fallen face first onto the pavement. He wrapped his arm around my middle, pulling me back against his chest as I gasped. "Take it easy," he scolded softly, and the sound of boots scuffing against the ground caught my attention as I looked up, finding Negan coming up to us with a strange look in his eyes.

"Dwight....Robin. What's going on?" he questioned as his eyes darted between the two of us, and Dwight quickly let go of me as I stumbled forward a bit, catching myself before I could trip. "I- I missed a step...he just caught me when you walked up." I explained quickly as Dwight looked to the ground, Negan's hard gaze watching him like a hawk. "That so," he mumbled softly as his grip on Lucille tightened, and I gulped nervously before approaching him. "Negan," I started, feeling strange saying his name again after almost a week, and I reached out to rub his chest. "I wouldn't lie to you." I whispered, low enough so only he could hear, and he met my gaze.

Without warning, he moved a hand around to grab my ass, pulling me against him as he kissed me passionately with a low, guttural growl. Dwight stayed silent, and eventually Negan pulled back. "Come on, wanna show you something." He took my hand in his, pulling me away, and something about his body language told me this conversation wasn't over.

Author's Note: don't forget to vote and give feedback!:) what do you guys think is going to happen?

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