Captain EO part 2

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The NASA people put him in hand cuffs and sent them to the space company to do their job. Captain EO had lots of wires and needles attached to him in closing Bubbles. "I feel so weak." Captain complained feeling a little dizzy. "So what does the DNA read?" The space captian asked the scientists. "Well I don't see any sign of human DNA but what ever is in its blood is quite strange. I think it could be an alien sir." The space captain looked closely at the blood sample into the microscope. "How can you be so sure?" There was green and sparkly particles miked together. "Because blood isn't green, since the guy doesn't look like an alien Captain EO must be half human. I wonder how that was even possible." Space Captain of NASA goes back to work to find out about the Meteor that CAPTAIN EO was talking about. Then Captain of NASA checks the data base to check on the meteor. You snuck into the testing room where Captain EO and Bubbles was and noticed they looked weak from taking some of their blood. "Oh my goodness how are you going to save earth now?"  Looking worried for him. "I don't know but I'll try." Captain EO tried to get up but fell back into his chair. "I'll give you some juice and crackers it should give you enough energy. You snuck back out to make a quick run to the café and get something to energize him and then you came back just in time and luckily nobody noticed. "Here." Shoving some cookies into his mouth and slowly sipped some apple juice. "Thanks I actually feel a lot better, so now I have to get Bubbles back in action". He takes the banana out of his pocket and gave it to him. "We need to get out of here guys come on." You guys escaped and ran out trying to get Captain EO  back on the ship to get the meteor before it hits us. "Can I go with you?" Worrying about Captain EO again. "No Y/N it's to dangerous of a mission." A tear came down your cheek. "Ok good luck." You guys hugged before he started flying and you ran outside to see a huge rock with flames on the back of it coming towards earth from afar. Captain EO got his mega blasters out and started to shoot at the meteor but he missed.  "Shit!" He said. "Bubbles I think it's about time we bomb this thing."  You looked up at the space ship worried about what might happen to your space friends.  BOOM! The loud crash was made again and the meteor was destroyed. But you didn't see a sign of Captain EO's ship in the sky anywhere. You started to cry on the grass he risked his life to save earth and now you'll never see Captain EO or Bubbles again the poor guy must have had a painful death. On the walk home you happen to see a familiar ship that landed on the middle of the road. You run up towards it wondering if new alien species has landed. But nobody came out of that ship once you came close. You sighed walking again to your house when you seen a man with a white space suit and a monkey sitting at your front porch. "Captain EO?" You asked yourself panicked. "Hello earthling can you please help me fix my ship?" You gasped and hugged Captain EO kissing his cheek. "Oh my goodness I thought you died! And Bubbles your alive to!" They both smiled at you Bubbles wanted to climb on your back so you let him. "Yes I'll help you fix your ship." You saw all of the remaining ashes on Captain EO so you cleaned him up and let him stay for a while.

A month later...

"Do you have to go?" You asked sad. "Yes Y/N I need to get back to my real home where I belong. I have learned a lot about you humans on my journey to earth here. And don't worry I won't forget you. Bubbles started to get onto the ship. "Well I learned a lot about you too Captain EO, thanks for saving us." You guys exchange a hug and he started to go on the ship to. "Captain wait!" You yelled. "Yes?" Turning his attention back to you. "Keep this." Taking off your favorite necklace and putting it in his hands. "But why?" He asked confused. "What is it?" Since he's an alien he doesn't know a lot. "It is a necklace which is my favorite. But in honor of our friendship I would like you to keep it and to remind you of me." His heart started to melt. "Thank you earthling I'll keep it safe with me. Good bye now." You guys hugged again he went into the ship and you watched him fly into space.

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