|Chapter 15|

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"What?" He breathed out, my cheeks were wet dripping with tears, I could tell that he didn't know how to react, he stood there unable to move,

"How?" He looked at me, shocked expression painted on his face,

"I don't know, I don't know anything!" More tears ran down my cheek, the water droplets rushing down my cheeks at a rapid pace.

"Just please don't leave me." I spoke out in between sobs, some crystal tears dripping onto the pavement beneath my feet,

"Why would I ever leave you?" He reached to my face drying the currently dripping tears,

He pulled my face to meet his, his brown orbs twinkling in the remaining sunlight, he pushed forward our lips connecting and moving in sync to each other,

It was short but sweet and lustful, I pulled back, the tears stopping,

"I know this isn't amazing timing or anything but, um-would you be my boyfriend." He looked down to the ground, obviously not expecting the answer I was about to give,

"I wouldn't want it any other way." I grabbed him tight pulling him in, he slowly wrapped his hands around my stomach,

I flinched a little bit the pain bursting from my back,

"Sorry." He said nervously, pulling back.

"It's all good." I say while rubbing my neck,

We continued walking down the street stopping at a grey one storey house, Vik walked through a path lined by hedges to the door, he fit his key in the slot and opened the door,

The hallway was bland but simple and elegant, we walked through to the decent sized kitchen to see who I can only think of is his mum,

"Hey mum." He spoke casually,

"Hey honey-how was you-who is this? Why are they here?" She eyed me, as I flinched back at her hostility,

"This is Lachlan-my um er-boyfriend." He looked at her nervously and tilted her head waiting for the explanation to why I'm here,

"And he's here to meet Brendon." Vik started pulling at my arm, but I stayed put.

"Vik. What did I tell you about letting people see him? You know he isn't normal and I can't-"

"Mrs it's very nice to meet you but I think I might be able to help I have some experience in the wing department."

What am I doing? I'm not ready for this, why did I say that I'm stupid, I'm dead. So dead.

"Pardon?" Her look lessened and turned more into curiosity, as she kept her eye level at my height.

"I-I-I" I stumbled for words a word at least to help with the suituation. Vik seemed to notice this and carefully put his hand on my shoulder,

"Lachlan was born like Brendon." Vik spoke quietly, his mums eyes widened as she grabbed my hand and brought me to a room,

She grabbed the handle and the door flew wide open, where a small boy laid asleep,

"Please tell me what's wrong with him." She looked to me for guidance? I don't even know myself.

"There's nothing wrong with him, my mum always said it was a gift, I've always hidden it but, there's nothing wrong with him." I smiled lightly, I slowly walked up to the crib being stopped by a hand,

"How are you like him?" She pushed hard on my chest making my wings hurt like hell,

"MUM STOP YOUR HURTING HIM!" Vik rushed to my aid, pulling his mums hand away and keeping his hand there for me to grab,

"WHY WOULD THAT BE HURTING HIM?" She yelled at him,


God is the way I hide them that obvious?

I stood there unsure whether to do something or not, until she turned to me,

"Sweetie please take off your shirt, I need to know what happens to him." She eyes me but her voice was calm,

I looked at Vik, I can't show him. I'm not ready.

"I-I-I can't." I said under my breath,

"Why can't you?" She looked at me

I looked over to Vik, I can't I barely know his mum let alone want to show her, but Vik. Will he still except me after he sees I'm a freak. A freak of nature that doesn't deserve to have anybody who loves him.

"Lachy. Please." He spoke in a whisper as he looked up to me his brown orbs dull in the almost black room lit by 3 lamps.

Deep breaths.

For Vik.

You can do it.

I sighed grabbing my shirt,

Here goes everything.

I slipped the shirt off, my wings still wrapped around my waist, they looked on in curiosity,

Please still love me the way you did before.

I slowly unwrapped my wings from my chest, they fell slowly behind me as I stared at the ground.

"Oh my god." Was all I heard from his mum as she stepped back,

My cheeks felt damp and I already knew I was crying,

I couldn't even look at Vik, until I felt a warm embrace around my figure, I looked down to see his midnight black hair nestled into my chest,

"Please don't leave me." I repeated again the tears falling down my face more rapidly,

"I would never leave you."

WoaH that was a long chapter buttt I've been working on it all day and I just decided screw it, we are nearly at 4.5K this is for the fandom! So yah you're welcome and that's all got to say.
~ Jazzi

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