Chapter 6

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It seemed like forever as several heartbeats went by. Anne still had her eyes shut, holding her breath, waiting for death to come upon her.

But death never came.

Anne open one eye a little, and to her surprise, the clown was gone. Anne let out her breath and collapsed on the ground in relief. I'm... I'm not dead. I'm okay, I'm safe... Anne looked around. Was it all in her head? No, it couldn't be. There were still marks on the ground from the axe. Anne frantically looked around, trying to find the clown that had almost killed her. There was no one. It was almost as if nothing had happened at all. Suddenly, she heard a loud CLANK again, and she jumped back in horror. She then saw the humongous axe. It dropped by her side. Wh-what? Anne suddenly realized something terrible. Something that would haunt her for all eternity.

She had been the one carrying the axe the whole time.

NOTE: Sorry the chapter is super short! I'll make the others longer, hopefully.

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