Chapter 8

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Anne sighed of relief and closed her eyes. It dissapeared. It's all in my head. Anne still wasn't sure if it was, though. Wait... they can't hurt me, but I can hurt them! Anne took the knife out of her backpack and yelled, "Come out you clown freaks!" Suddenly, a hoard of clowns appeared, but none of them had weapons. Anne took a step forward and said, "I'm not scared of you!" Cutting one of the clown' s wrists. But instead of the clown yelling in surprise, the cut melted away and Anne felt a sharp pain in her wrist. She looked, and there was blood all over her hand and arm.
"That's where you're wrong, Anne. If you try to hurt us, you're only hurting yourself."

The clowns dissapeared, leaving Anne on the ground, holding her bloody wrist. She walked through the forest, trying to find where she was. She had to get as far away from her house as she could.

What she didn't know, is that she was doing the complete opposite.

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