Chapter 6

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* * * * * * * 7 Year Time Lapse * * * * * * *

I bit into a piece of fruit and pulled it off of the branch. I spread my wings and glided down to land on a rock on the edge of a creek. It was a good place to enjoy some sun and get a drink while eating. I glanced at the paved path and kept half an eye on the three aliens walking along it.

In an ironic twist of justice, about three months after the race of white aliens had wiped out the human race, a second race of aliens had returned the favor. Oddly enough, we could also understand this race as well. They called themselves the Kymari and were strikingly different from the first race of aliens.

They had a vague humanoid shape, but stood about ten feet tall and were powerfully built. Their heavily-muscled bodies showed their strength, although they could move quite quickly when they chose. All of them had dark green skin and black hair. Each strand of their straight hair was probably the thickness of a piece of spaghetti, giving it an odd flowing look when they turned their head.

For some bizarre reason, all of the dragonets had knowledge about both races of aliens, as if we had hidden knowledge or memories tucked away inside of our minds. We had nicknamed those bits of sourceless information 'Blood Memories', for it seemed to come with our dragonet bodies.

These aliens were a race of fighters, peaceful only among their own species. They somewhat reminded me of the old style Japanese culture, at least from what I understood from the old movies. They tolerated other races if they were on good terms or for trading, but that was about it.

This race tended to be the one that attacked any other race that stepped out of line or caused trouble in the area they controlled, which seemed to span across several galaxies. They weren't a race that anyone wanted to attack since the Kymari would all band together in a fierce retaliation.

I examined the three walking slowly along the path. The males often wore some armor on their chest or forearms and tended to carry at least one or two weapons. I had never seen a female wear armor yet, although they usually carried a heavy knife on their belt. Every male I saw carried some sort of odd extendable spear that collapsed into a tube the size of their hand. A number of the males also carried some sort of energy weapon as well.

I preferred this race over the first one. The Kymari had a respect for nature, and every city had dozens of parks inside. Not one trace of humanity could be found at this point. No building, car, tire, or piece of litter remained. The Kymari had erased all traces that humans had ever walked on this planet.

They had built sprawling spacious cities that housed thousands of their kind, surrounded by high walls. They didn't like to live as densely as humans did, which was a relief for us since there were fewer of them to keep an eye out for. They had never realized that the dragonets were more than mere animals. They ignored us since we never bothered them and stayed out of their way. We still deemed it wise to avoid them as much as we could. We didn't stray into the city streets and kept to the main park.

The reason we all lived in the parks was because strange and deadly animals not native to this planet now lurked outside of the city walls. Most had been accidentally or intentionally released by the first white aliens. They were fierce enough that the Kymari had built protective walls to prevent them from sneaking into their cities unnoticed.

I spread my wings to catch the sun as I nibbled on the fruit that I had pulled from the tree. That tree had originated on another world. The Blood Memories told me that the fruit was edible, and I had eaten it many times before. I knew the names of every plant here due to the Blood Memories, whether it was native to Earth or not. I glanced around at the greenery; the Kymari had planted dozens of various types of fruit and ornamental trees, as well as leaving a number of the native ones.

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