Chapter 36

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I was halfway asleep and my outstretched wings touched both Amanda's and Drake's wings as we sunned ourselves.

"Serena! Are you alright?!" We all looked in the direction of the panicked mindvoice.

"It hurts..." Serena's stunned mindvoice was laden with pain and shock. I folded my wings as I sat up in concern.

We heard the ex-spy call out, "Tom, Serena, what happened?"

Tom was panicking. "A big tree just fell down as we were sleeping. She couldn't get out of the way in time, and it fell on her. It is huge, and I can't see her! I am trying to dig, but the tree roots are slowing me."

The ex-spy replied, "I am on my way."

I glanced at Drake in slight frustration. "Unless she needs medical attention or wants Kymari help, it is best if I stay here." I wanted to go help dig so badly, but the chances of Taureen following me if I went further into the forest were simply too great. It grated on my nerves to remain here.

Drake nodded and took off with the others. I listened to them via the general mindlink in suspense. They weren't too far away, but far enough that I hadn't heard the tree fall.

"Serena, keep talking to us while we dig you out. What hurts?"

"My side really hurts. I may have broken some ribs since it hurts to breathe."

"I am getting tons of big roots in this spot. Is anyone else having better luck?"

"Serena, how tightly are you trapped? Can you move at all?"

"I can move my wings a bit, but my chest and sides are pinned by the branches. The one is pushing on my chest." Her voice was faint, and we could tell that she was trying to keep the pain out of the mindlink and failing.

Tom's voice was full of worry as he kept talking to her."Stay awake Serena. Don't leave me."

The ex-spy spoke, "Serena, do you have any idea how bad your injuries might be? Will you be able to fly?"

"I don't know how bad the damage is... I won't be able to fly though, my chest and side hurt too badly."

He sighed heavily across the mindlink. "You realize that if the Kymari see you, that they will likely take you away right?"

I felt her sigh in sadness, and her voice was getting fainter as time went by. "Yes. But I don't think I could stand being separated from Tom."

Mates tended to become quite dedicated to each other and were rarely apart. I felt Tom's worry and desperation as he told her, "I don't care if I have to be a Kymari pet in order to be with you. I will stay by your side regardless."

I felt her love for her mate flow into the link. She hesitantly asked, "Tasha, would the Kymari separate us?"

"No. Unless you two tried to kill one another or something similar."

After a long pause, she asked, "Tom, were you serious?"

His voice was firm. "Yes, I will never leave you."

Those who were mates were truly devoted to one another, and I couldn't remember seeing these two apart at any point in the last four years. The conversation was heartbreaking to listen to, as Tom declared his love once more when I knew that both were about to end up in Kymari care.

She whimpered in pain. "Then you better get the Kymari because I am coughing up blood."

I launched into the air and flew towards where Serena was trapped as fast as my wings would carry me. I told them, "I have a tracker, and they will likely follow me. Can someone else go check to see if they are coming or if I have to go drag them back here?"

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