Chapter 6

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Hey! So I'm in California for the holidays, and Clarissa is In South Dakota or Minnesota idk. WE BOTH WISH YOU A GREAT NEW YEAR AND WEITE ON IN 2014!!!!!!!!!! Out Instagram Is @Magic_myth_divergent. I'm thinking of holding a fanfiction contest on Instagram :D I'm sorry my chapters are so short.

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Tris's POV

I can't help but squirm in my outfit. Going to the movies is casual, but Christina broke the barriers of "casual" with my outfit, but mostly my makeup. It's a dark blue tank top that is like Tobias's eyes, I have to admit, I miss him. I have white skinny jeans and blue shoes, thank goodness they're not heels, but I yelp when Chris turns my feet unexpectedly to face the mirror. My hair is in a spectacular braid that Is a bun. My make up is noticeable, bright blush, lipstick, I almost wipe my lips with the palm of my hand.

"Tsk, tsk." Christina swats my hand away. "He'll love it."

I glance at mirror-me. He'll love it. That's the problem. I still like Tobias a bit, well, okay, a lot. If Uriah asks me out I don't know what to do.

"If he asks you out, you know What to do, right?" Chris says.

My heart sinks. "I don't know how to say no." I say.

"Nonsense!" Christina shakes her head. "Say yes!"

"But-" I object. Christina's eyes widen.

"When do you meet him?" She asks.

"6:30 at my house, why?" I reply, confused.

"Oh my gosh!" She pushes me out the door. I yelp, grabbing my throbbing ankle. "Good luck!" She yells.

I walk down the stairs, glancing at my phone. It reads 6:00.

"What the heck, Chris?" I say to myself. I don't need thirty freakin minutes to get ready.

But, I wait my house. I casually wipe some of my makeup off. Five minutes before six thirty, Uriah comes.

"Triiiiiisssyyyy!" Uriah parks his car and gives me a big hug.

"Chris did the outfit." Uriah snorts, looking at my smeared make up.

"Duh." I said.

"Come on!" Uriah pulls me into his car, rolling down the windows and cranking his music up.

"I'm sexy and I KNOW IT!" Uriah roars along to the music. I join in. Soon we are laughing so hard, like just friends. We arrive at the movie theater. Uriah parks and digs around in a seat pocket.

"I think I have a list of movies somewhere..." Uriah digs through the pocked, throwing a book at me on accident.

I smack it away, so it hits Uriah in the face. We burst put laughing. He picks it up.

"Percy Jackson and da titans curse." He flips it over. "Hey, isn't Percy Jackson and the sea of Monsters out yet?"

"Ya!" I say. We agree on that.

The whole thing was pretty good, I say. After Uriah pulls me aside.

"Guess what?" He says.

"What!" I say.

"I asked Marlene out and she said yes!" Uriah grins like a maniac.

"Oh my gosh!" I smile so wide it hurts. "I'm so happy!"

He smiles and pulls me to his car. When I get back home, I wish Uriah good luck with Mar and go inside. To my luck, Caleb is at the door, arms crossed, frowning.

"Okay," he says. "Who's your boyfriend."

"He's not my boyfriend!" I say defensively. "He just wanted to cheer me up, you saw what happened in the cafeteria."

Caleb sighs, giving up.

I walk upstairs thinking about Uriah, a cheesy smile plastered on my face. Uriah is the best friend I could hope for.

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