More Fighting and Embarrassment

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I slipped out of the classroom just before the bell rings and lean coolly against the wall near the door waiting. I watch the nerd walk out the door looking down the hallway then sigh and straighten up. Before she walks off I swoop in and sling my arm over her shoulder.

“Bet you thought you got rid of me didn’t you.” I whisper into her ear. She tenses, bites her lip, shrugs my arm off her shoulder then shrinks into herself. We both have the same class next so I decided to bless the little nerd with my presence as we walk there.

We walk into the class and anyone in there stares I scowl at them and stalk my way away from the nerd and drop myself into my seat.

“What was that?” I hear my best friend ask. I roll my eyes over to him. Simon is hovering over me with his arm around his perfect little girlfriend Lexi.

“Nothing.” I grumble sinking deeper into my seat trying to get comfortable.

“Dude, that wasn’t anything you know it wasn’t. I don’t care about what you do but if you didn’t already think about it you being near Emily is just going to cause her problems.” I hear the concern in his voice. I ignore him and kick my feet up on the desk.

“You should just leave him alone baby he obviously doesn’t care.” I hear Lexi almost purr at Simon who just shakes his head and gets ready to walk her to her class next door. As the walk off I look up and lock eyes with Lexi. She winks and licks her lips trying to be seductive. She has been hitting on me behind Simon’s back since they started dating a couple months ago. I already hit that so I won’t touch that again. She wasn’t that good anyways. I hear soft pitter patter of feet to my left and know the nerd has finally decided to sit down. I see her in the corner of my eye laying her bag on the desk, pulling out the text book and notebook, arranging them neatly on her desk, and then fixing her skirt flattening it and crossing her legs. I look at her legs dragging my eyes up and down. They look creamy white and soft. The bell rings bringing me out of my ogling of Emily’s legs.

As that time comes to work on our work which I chose not to do since I don’t care enough. I see the nerd working on her stuff. I kick back and pull out my itouch and start playing a little street fighter. In the middle of my fight I hear and feel a vibration come from my left. I furrow my eyebrows pulling out my phone checking it seeing I have no new messages. To my slight amusement I see the nerd slightly freak out clutching at her hip. She props her Pre-Cal textbook up so it’s wide open and standing up on its own. The nerd slips her phone out of her hip pocket and hides it behind her book. I shake my head at her noting how unsubtle she is. She slightly turns so her back is facing me more and unknown to her I can get a clear view of her phone screen if I crane my neck slightly. Curiosity gets the better of me when I see her face pinch up in confusion. I glance over at her phone.

“Hey I texted you yesterday but you never texted me back. I got your number from Rose btw. I know we just met yesterday but I wanted to know if it’s alright if I pick you up from school for some ice cream or something. –Ethan ;)” As I read the text I get a burning feeling of anger especially as I see her blush and smile at the message. I clinch the desk edge hard feeling my knuckles burn with pain but I ignore it reading as she types a reply.

“Sure, I’d love to go get ice cream with youJ.” I clench my jaw tightly and resist the urge to rip the phone from her grasp and throw it on the floor. Stupid nerd shouldn’t have any friends, she shouldn’t be sending little smiley faces to anyone especially to a dude. I see her giggle and smile at the screen of her phone for the rest of the period while I get angrier and angrier by the second.

The bell rings but I’m so deep in my angry thoughts at the nerd that I almost miss her zip out the class door. Since I can’t ask her about this stupid little fu**er I’ll just have to see him for myself.

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